Announcing the end of Apollo Season 1
Be prepared for the end of Apollo first season! This article would cover every little thing you need to know before the end of season 1.

Apollo Season 1 means a lot to us. This is the first game product we rolled out that would have continuous operation and maintenance after months of development since our IDO. There are tons of new challenges and we overcome all the obstacles to ship our game. We are glad that everyone is having fun playing Apollo and lots of updates are coming in the next season.
Apollo Season 1 ends on August 29, 2022 04:00 UTC. Please note that Apollo would go into maintenance mode right after the end of season to deploy patch 1.1. The maintenance period is scheduled to be August 29, 2022 04:00 UTC — 05:00 UTC. It may take longer than 1 hour to deploy the patch. We would make an announcement in the discord channel when the game resumes. Season 2 would start immediately after the maintenance period.
What’s happening at the start of a new season
A new season means a new challenge to all commanders! At the start of a new season, all of your spaceships would be returned to hangar, regardless of their current status. All ships are removed from fleet and the leaderboard would reset. You would have to create new fleets and assign your spaceships for the new season. It is also a good time for you to revise your strategy on fleet compositions.
Also, all of your resources, including ores, refined materials and silver credit, in both ship storage and hangar storage would be discarded. Take your time to refine and trade your remaining resources into silver credit before the end of season!
L-IMC Distribution
Each user L-IMC rewards will be calculated based on their Silver Credit holdings at the end of season (include Silver Credit from both ship storage and hangar storage) weighted by the total number of Silver Credit of all players.
The L-IMC reward would be directly distributed to your account. You can check your L-IMC balance at the top right corner of Apollo.