Avalanche Multiverse: Offers up to $290 Million in Incentives
Exciting news released by the Avalanche Foundation has the Avalanche eco-system buzzing, as details of a new incentive program have been released. This incentive program is offering up to 4 Million $AVAX in incentives directly aimed toward accelerating the adoption and growth of the next generation of “subnet” functionality. Subnets enable a rich ecosystem of scalable app-specific blockchains, and the program intends to focus on the creation of new ecosystems including blockchain-enabled gaming, DeFi, NFTs, institutional use cases, and more.

Avalanche Mulitiverse has already set course for a DeFi Kingdoms Subnet with a combined maximum of $15 Million between $AVAX and $CRYSTAL. The details regarding how the rewards will be allocated have yet to be released.

“The entire DeFi Kingdoms universe is written into smart contracts, pushing the envelope of what is possible with blockchain technology. We began looking very early on for technology that could help us scale and introduce new features like using our native tokens for gas fees, without sacrificing security or decentralization. Avalanche’s revolutionary subnet technology is the perfect fit,”
Frisky Fox, Executive Director of DeFi Kingdoms.
Avalanche Multiverse intends to be divided into several phases to extended the possibility of incentives to future on comers interested in participating in the program, at this time there has been no time limit established for entry.
How to Apply
More Avalanche Multiverse projects will be announced soon. Projects interested in participating in the program should complete the following form: https://avalancheavax.typeform.com/to/AHipnhBh.
Check out the full details in the Medium article found Here.