Avalaunch Dual-IDO (Community & Gold Staker): User Guide

The upcoming Battle for Giostone IDO is a special event for many reasons and amongst those is that it represents two Avalaunch firsts:
- This is our first Dual-IDO, meaning a concurrent Community IDO and a Gold Staker IDO.
- This is our first ever Gold Staker IDO.
As such, the sale process is going to work a little different than it has in the past, so we created this user guide to make sure everyone is ready for registration and understands the eligibility criteria for both sales.
Before going into more detail, there are a few generally important things to note:
- Each IDO will run as its own sale with its own sale page, and if you are eligible for both, you will need to register twice.
- If you are a Gold Staker, you can participate in both sales (Community IDO & Gold IDO), using your full stake in both sales, with no need to decide how you want to divide your stake across the two IDOs. This is great news for Gold Stakers as you essentially have double allocation power!
- If you have tokens locked for 12 months as a Gold Staker & also have tokens staked but not locked, only the locked tokens will be eligible for the Gold Staker IDO. For the Community IDO, if you choose to participate, your total stake (both locked and non-locked tokens) will count toward your allocation. Remember, by locking your XAVA for 12 months, you already have double your XAVA staked in the form of XP Points!
- The snapshot for the Gold Staker IDO was taken on 9/21/2022 at 2:00 a.m. (UTC). Only tokens locked at the time of the snapshot will be counted toward your allocation in the Gold IDO. Anything locked after this time will not be counted toward your Gold IDO allocation in the Battle for Giostone sale.
The Community IDO
The Community IDO works exactly like our standard IDOs. As long as you have a KYC’ed account and are staking XAVA, you will be able to register during the registration period and will receive a guaranteed allocation in the sale.
To check the sale schedule, please refer to the Battle for Giostone IDO Announcement.
Additionally, like our normal IDOs, there will be a Validator Round and a Booster Round. Automations like Auto-Buy are also still available.
In summary, the Community IDO process will be familiar to anyone that has ever participated in an Avalaunch IDO and there are really no special considerations to worry about. As a Gold Staker, you will enjoy the benefits of double your 12-month locked stake through our XP Points feature.
Separate IDO Pages & Registration
Since this is a Dual-IDO, each IDO will have its own sale page. If you are eligible for both IDOs, you will need to register twice. Links to each of these pages will be found across the site like any other single IDO.

When viewing these pages, you will see two registration buttons instead of one. Next to these buttons, you will also see your eligibility for each sale displayed.
When viewing the Community IDO page, if you are also eligible for the Gold Staker IDO, your “eligibility” will be reflected next to both registration buttons.

Since each sale has its own page, clicking “Go to Gold IDO” the gold button will simply take you to the Gold Staker IDO sale page, where you can register as normal.

The Gold Staker IDO

The Gold Staker IDO for the Battle for Giostone sale is something we are particularly excited about and thrilled to be able to offer it to our very loyal Gold Staker community.
With the help of the Battle for Giostone team, we have secured a $150,000 allocation in the seed round which is what we will be offering to our Gold Stakers in this very special event. This Gold Staker IDO creates an opportunity for our Gold Stakers to participate in the earliest funding round, which historically excludes retail altogether, at the lowest pricing and valuation.
Part of our mission here at Avalaunch has always been to bring the community closer to the opportunities available only to VCs and private capital. This seed round allocation, now available to you, perfectly embodies this vision.
Additionally, you will also have full access to the Community IDO, should you choose to participate in both.
Gold Staker IDO User Guide
The biggest different between the Community IDO and Gold Staker IDO is that there will be no Validator Round and the Staking Round has been extended to a full 24 hours. This will provide our Gold Stakers ample time to come and claim their guaranteed allocation.
Again, worth noting is that Auto-Buy feature and the Booster Round are available for the Gold Staker IDO if you’d like to take advantage of those automations.
Eligibility and Registration
If you are eligible for the Gold Staker IDO, this will displayed next to the “Register for Gold IDO” button on both sale pages and the button will be active.

Conversely, if you are not eligible, the “Register” button will be disabled and your eligibility status will be marked as “Not Eligible.”

As mentioned above, if you are Gold Staker, there are a few important things to note:
- If you are a Gold Staker, you can participate in both sales (Community IDO & Gold IDO), using your full stake in both sales. This is great news for Gold Stakers as you essentially have double allocation power!
- If you have tokens locked for 12 months as a Gold Staker & also have tokens staked but not locked, only the locked tokens will be eligible for the Gold Staker IDO. For the Community IDO, your total stake (both locked and non-locked tokens) will count toward your allocation.
- The snapshot for the Gold Staker IDO was taken on 9/21/2022 at 2:00 a.m. (UTC). Only tokens locked at the time of the snapshot will be counted toward your allocation in the Gold IDO. Anything locked after will not be counted toward your Gold IDO allocation.
Claiming & Vesting
Like all of our IDOs, both the Community IDO and Gold IDO will have separate claim portals found in the Account section of the Application. Because the Gold Staker IDO represents an allocation in the seed round, it will have lower pricing per token and also different vesting terms.
Price and vesting details can be found in both the Info tab on the sale page and in the Battle for Giostone IDO Announcement.
While the vesting terms and price may be different, the initial token unlock will occur at the exact same time for both IDOs.
Wrapping Up
The Gold Staker IDO is a unique opportunity that in many ways embodies what Avalaunch is all about. Not only were we able to work very closely with the extremely talented Battle for Giostone team to secure this seed allocation for our community, but also on many aspect of the tokenomics, in-game economy and the fundamentals which represent the future potential of this groundbreaking game.
As always, if you have any questions about the Dual-IDO or any of the specifics regarding eligibility and participation, please feel free to reach out in the Avalaunch Telegram where our team will be more than happy to help with any questions you might have.

About Avalaunch
Avalaunch is a launchpad powered by the Avalanche platform, allowing new and innovative projects to seamlessly prepare for launch with an emphasis on fair and broad distribution. With its values deeply rooted in the early Avalanche community, we are able to offer projects confident, informed users who are aligned with the long-term goals of the rapidly expanding application ecosystem. Leveraging Avalanche’s scalable, high-throughput, and low-latency platform, Avalaunch is built by users, for teams, to help grow strong communities.
Avalaunch Dual-IDO (Community & Gold Staker): User Guide was originally published in Avalaunch on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.