Great things happen with great team work
Avalanche have left no stone unturned for its tremendous success. With growing partnerships, Avalanche is opening the door to new opportunities and building a stronger community with every passing day. Alone building an empire is impossible, team work is the key to accomplish the goals. Avalanche community members attempt to support in the upliftment of the Avalanche family. Avalanche community is expanding their innovative ideas in the ecosystem and creating a sensation.
Let’s check out the marvelous efforts by the community members.
Avalanche Hindi community
India is a hub for developers. To encourage the Indians and letting them capture their space in crypto, Kuen Shahi took an initiative to manage Avalanche Hindi community. Recently, CoinDCX, an Indian exchange did an outstanding AMA with Jay Kurahashi, VP of Marketing of Avalanche on CoinDCX telegram. The AMA was extremely informative and has helped people in learning about Avlanche in depth.
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— @CoinDCX
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Avalanche also had a workshop with Cognizance IIT, Roorkee where renounced Developers of Avalanche Gabriel Cardona, Connor Daly and Dan explained in depth about Avalanche and Blockchain . The workshop went really well, boosting up the confidence of the Indian Tech students in understanding things well and bringing them to blockchain space. For joining the Avalanche Hindi Telegram group click here.
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Stunning Spanish community
The Spanish community sponsored a MMA fighter and minted a commemorative NFT. The round was a success.
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Another superb achievement, The Spanish community had an AMA with the Avalanche Renegados community related to DeFi experiences. The AMA was for the users who are new to DeFi world and were wanting an understanding from the scratch. The AMA was hoisted by Emmanuel Gonzalez ∀ and ∀lejandro Robles.
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Another excellent contribution by the Spanish community in which Ricardo ∀ázquez our Spanish community member was invited in an interview with Blockchain Summit Latam Podcast talking about the community growth, NFTs and DeFi. In interview interview Ricardo talked about lot of interesting information. To watch the entire interview you may click here.
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The German community
The German community is doing spectacular work as they have created their own YouTube channel in their native language, German. This will help people to understand Avalanche in a much more easier way. We all will agree to the fact that videos are quite attractive and easy to understand specially when they are in our own preferred language. Follow Avalanche German channel on Telegram for more such amazing updates.
We hope Community Updates will make AVAX Portal even more useful, so that you’re not worried about missing out on cool events and opportunities around you.
Thanks for being with us on this journey everyone — to AVALANCHE!

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AVAX PORTAL #10 was originally published in Avalanche Hub on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.