Let’s make today amazing
To be successful, Avalanche focuses on strengths and develops them. The successful product is just an ordinary product with a laser like focus. With each passing day Avalanche anchored in ecosystem development. Consistency is what transforms average into excellence. This is a place that’s just full of creative energy and we love this place.
Avalanche is an open channel for creative ideas.
Avalanche Chinese
Ask Me Anything which we usually call AMAs, are really informative and helpful in understanding the project in a much better way. Avalanche Chinese community recently did a series of AMAs with some amazing projects built on Avalanche ecosystem. Let’s have a look at the AMA series.
Wilson, the head of Avalanche Asia Pacific and Leo, the Pangolin community manager had an astonishing AMA on the Avalanche Chinese group. Join the Pangolin Chinese community now and if you missed the AMA, here is the recap for you.
Wilson, the head of Avalanche Asia Pacific and the head of Benqi DeFi talked about “How Benqi Stands Out in the DeFi Loan Agreement”, which is also the first AMA for Benqi China. You can read the entire AMA here.
Wilson, the head of Avalanche Asia Pacific and Avalaunch co-founder Mark talked about “How Avalaunch Brings New Opportunities to the IDO Platform”. Join the Avalaunch Chinese community now and if you missed the AMA, here is the recap for you.
Emin Gün Sirer, associate professor of computer science at Cornell University, founder and CEO of Ava Labs, was invited to participate in an interview with Cointelegraph Chinese co-founder and CEO Vadim Krekotin, to discuss in-depth analysis of “Avalanche Ecological Development and Future” . You can read the entire AMA here.
Avalanche Francophone
Nicolas Lemaitre, General Manager at AvaLabs was invited on a new series of interviews with influential figures from the #cryptosphère. The AMA was quite interesting and informative. The AMA had in-depth explanation of each and every question. In case you missed the AMA, here is the recap for you.
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Avalanche India
AMA helps the community to understand the project better. Avalanche India community had an AMA with Binance India where Kuen Shahi spread a word across for Avalanche in the Binance community. Join the Avalanche India community today on Twitter and Telegram.
Avalanche Indonesia
Avalanche Indonesia community is full of enthusiasm. The community is running an informative task “Avalanche Indonesia Quiz Competition” to educate their community members about Avalanche and stay updated with the ecosystem. Join Avalanche Indonesia community on Twitter and Telegram.
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Avalanche Italian
AMAs are at the hype. Avalanche Italian community lately had a stunning AMA with Binance Italian community. Giuseppe Fr∀nk, the community manager of Avalanche Italian community, was really informative and elaborative while the AMA. In case you missed the AMA, here is the recap for you.
Recap dell’AMA con Binance Italia
Avalanche Español
Mexico’s Most Popular Soccer Club, Chivas, celebrated 115th Anniversary with NFT Auction on Avalanche that has now concluded. The fans participated in an open design contest on Social Media to create an NFT concept that was included in the series. The Chivas selected the fan NFT for the https://wegoatyou.art auction, which concluded on July 9th, 2021.
NFTs have invaded the sports industry, from the NBA, baseball and soccer teams in Europe, etc. Chivas the most beloved team in Mexico celebrated its 115th Anniversary with NFT Auction on Avalanche. Ricard Oruka on Talent Republic TV shared his thoughts on how it was decided to create wegoatyou.art in partnership with Ava Labs. You can join Avalanche Spanish community on Twitter and Telegram and check out the entire interview here.
Blockchain technology came to the world of sports and in Latin America. Ricard Oruka was invited by OkEx to talk about NFT and Fan Tokens in sports. Check out the amazing webinar here.
@Andyvargtz was live @platzi explaining how you can create your first NFT on Avalanche. The protocols and tools necessary to bring non-fungible tokens to life with practical exercises that will allow everyone to explore this ecosystem. Check out the live class here.
Avalanche Spanish community was invited in Evia event, it was a summit related to food tech. Check out the full interview here.
Avalanche Portuguese
Portuguese are easy-going, welcoming, and friendly and so is the Avalanche Portuguese community. Avalanche Portuguese community has taken a step ahead of making their community stronger and much more creative. Avalanche Portuguese community is now on Avalanche Hub, where the community members get an opportunity to perform tasks and earn reward. This not only motivates the community but also educates them. If you don’t want to miss the upcoming tasks in the community, join Avalanche Portuguese on twitter and telegram now.
Avalanche Vietnam
Avalanche Vietnam community is growing with leaps and bounds. Avalanche Vietnam community had an awesome AMA with OKEx Vietnam community to help the community better understand Avalanche’s project and development plan in 2021. Miss OKEx hosted the program with the guest Mr. Wilson Wu — Avalanche Project Manager in Asia. Join the Avalanche Vietnam community on Twitter and Telegram. If you missed the AMA, you can check out the entire AMA here.
We hope Community Updates will make AVAX Portal even more useful, so that you’re not worried about missing out on cool events and opportunities around you.
Thanks for being with us on this journey everyone — to AVALANCHE!

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AVAX PORTAL #14 was originally published in Avalanche Hub on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.