Avalanche ecosystem is flourishing with project for the past 1 year and will surpass tons of partnerships in the years to come. The diversity and keen efficiency of this project makes it stand ahead of others. This make an unbreakable bond between the community members and the ecosystem. Each day Avalanche comes with new updates making the users experience advance. The project has left no stone unturned to build the trust of the community and here is the community replicating their love and support.
Let’s dive into what the community has been contributing in past few days
Avalanche Chinese
Avalanche Chinese community is all set with new events in the community. Blushing up the concepts of the community members is the utmost goal. Recently Avalanche Chinese community with Trader Joe, a new one-stop trading experience. Wilson, the head of Avalanche Asia Pacific, and the co-founder of Trader Joe Oxmurloc, discussed various issues such as Trader Joe, DeFi development, and avalanche ecology. Here is the recap of the entire AMA.
雪崩生态AMA回顾:Trader Joe,DEX+借贷,一站式交易新体验
Avalanche India
50 days quiz continues in Avalanche India Telegram community. The community members are performing with their full attentiveness and are earning Avalanche points and reputation in return. Avalanche India community tends to provide tasks and events in the community, letting the members understand Avalanche ecosystem in depth. For future events join Avalanche India on Twitter and Telegram.
Avalanche Indonesia
Avalanche Indonesia community recently organized events in the community. They conducted a quiz for the community members also have provided then an initiative to spread awareness about Avalanche Indonesia. The community members are supporting their local community in social handles like Twitter, LinkedIn, Medium and YouTube. This will help the members to expand their knowledge and research more about Avalanche. For such interesting events, join Avalanche Indonesia on Twitter and Telegram.
Avalanche Spanish
Avalanche Spanish Community is filled with expressiveness. Andrea Vargas, Community Manager of Avalanche Spanish community spreads the word across educating other communities about Avalanche and it’s ecosystem .
Andrea Vargas had an Instagram Live Session about NFTs and it’s use cases with @Cryptolaplata community . It was very informative.

Andrea Vargas organized quiz in the telegram community to further increase the knowledge of community. The winners were rewarded with Avalanche Hub points.
She also had an amazing AMA with Platzi Cryptocositas community about Avalanche.

Avalanche Vietnam
Avalanche Vietnam Community organized a quiz about Avalanche in their telegram group to educate the community and increase their knowledge. Join Avalanche Vietnam community on Twitter and Telegram to stay updated with all the latest event in the community.
Avalanche Hub
Want to know about Avalanche Hub? Here you go. A series of tutorial by Kuen Shahi explaining about Avalanche Hub from scratch. The series has three separate parts covering each topic in detail. Check out the entire series here.
Check out the incredible videos by Voepa Bitcoin an amazing youtuber in Portuguese. Voepa has talked about Avalanche in detail. Here are the video on the channel. Join Avalanche Portuguese for on Instagram, Twitter and Telegram for latest updates.
✅ Project https://youtu.be/hggk_u3bi6A
✅ Live https://youtu.be/8z7SPCyaKBA
✅ Opportunity https://youtu.be/QSr9Kxh1ngg
✅ Staking https://youtu.be/--m5mQCs8X0
✅ Ecosystem https://youtu.be/xZYrQGsercU
We hope Community Updates will make AVAX Portal even more useful, so that you’re not worried about missing out on cool events and opportunities around you.
Thanks for being with us on this journey everyone — to AVALANCHE!

Thanks for reading! Join us on Telegram to participate in discussions on how we can make Avalanche a movement we can be proud of.
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AVAX PORTAL #18 was originally published in Avalanche Hub on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.