A spectacular project with a spectacular community. Avalanche was and is known for its marvelous community members. They act as a pillar, making the core of a building strong from the inside. Accelerating Twitter follows is a live example that depicts the bond between the project and its loved once.
Let’s dive into what the community has been contributing in past few days.
Avalanche Chinese
AMA Time:
- Wilson, the head of Avalanche Asia Pacific discussed with YAY Games CEO NICK EPIFANOV on the theme of “Game Publisher YAY Games Injects New Life into Old Games”.
- Wilson, the head of Avalanche Asia Pacific talked about “Snowball, the revenue aggregator Snowball, Snowball in the Farm Era” with Snowball’s two CEOs BIG WAMPA and 8BITGIRAFFE and core strategist JOMARI PETERSON. The AMA was held at Avalanche Chinese Telegram Community.
Avalanche India
The #50daysquiz event was conducted in Avalanche India community which has finally commenced on 1st November’ 21. The community members learned a lot about Avalanche and crypto in general. Eager to be a part of events like this one? Join Avalanche India on Telegram and Twitter now.
Avalanche Indonesia
Avalanche Indonesia, an amazing community that helps its local community in expansion and aware others with their outstanding talent. Avalanche Indonesia is conducting an event in their community where all the community members can be influencers on Avalanche and grow the ecosystem. All the community members are putting in a lot of efforts and are dedicated towards their expertise. Isn’t that amazing?
Avalanche Indonesia also has an amazing AMA with Chainlink on YouTube. We had Septian Maulan∀, Community Manager Avalanche Indonesia representing Avalanche. Check out the full AMA-
Join Avalanche Indonesia on Twitter and Telegram and stay updated with such marvelous events.
Avalanche Spanish
From the hand of Emin Gün Sirer, Avalanche has been breaking into the cryptocurrency market together with important applications for the Decentralized Finance market, Non-Fungible Tokens and more. To learn more about this project, Latin America, Community Manager Andrea Vargas had a talk at #Friday Crypto in anibalcripto. Have a look at the talk.
Avalanche Spanish Community recently had a live webinar with Okex, where Andrea Vargas represented Avalanche.
Avalanche Hub
Avalanche Magazine, yes you read it right. Alper, one of the community member is taking initiative to compile Avalanche monthly updates into an e- magazine. Here is the October month Magazine for you-
Let’s have a look at OKEx Talks 25 with Avalanche Hub director Yusuf Emre
Are you building a Dapp on Avalanche? If yes, then check out this detailed tutorial by Moralis.
A beautiful appreciation by some of the community member. Let’s spread some love.
Avalanche Lisbon was a blast, let’s have a look at some of the highlights
— @devonf
— @jayks17
— @moo9000
A.Emre KELEŞ wrote an awesome article covering the topic- “An Academic Analysis of Blockchain Technology and Evaluation of Avalanche’s Position on This Issue.” Have a look at the entire article
An Academic Analysis of Blockchain Technology and Evaluation of Avalanche’s Position on This Issue
We hope Community Updates will make AVAX Portal even more useful, so that you’re not worried about missing out on cool events and opportunities around you.
Thanks for being with us on this journey everyone — to AVALANCHE!

Thanks for reading! Join us on Telegram to participate in discussions on how we can make Avalanche a movement we can be proud of.
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AVAX PORTAL #19 was originally published in Avalanche Hub on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.