AVAX Portal #5

Dear Avangers.
Theme of the week is ‘Balance’.
Balance isn’t something you achieve “someday” — Avalanche is a balance of skills and excellence that they have earned with each passing day. Our Avangers portray balance in the Avalanche community with their love,support and wonderful skill set. Avalanche has left no stone unturned in the last year and will do wonders in 2021. Our community members have started this spectacular year with their amazing contributions.
In case you missed, let’s see what all was cooking up in the community.
Avalanche Basics series
Want to know about Avalanche from the depth? Avalanche Hub has started this amazing series to make people understand Avalanche from its core. Watch “Avalanche Basics Episode 1 — Introduction to Avalanche” and take your first step in knowing Avalanche from chapter 1. Follow @AvalancheHub to watch the upcoming episodes to enhance your knowledge about Avalanche.
Avalanche Bharat
India is not only a diverse country but also a hub for developers. @KuenShahi an Avanger of Avalanche has given this delightful contribution of starting Avalanche Bharat to connect people all across India and spread awareness about Avalanche. Follow @AvalancheBharat on twitter and Avalanche-India on medium to know about Avalanche in your local language Hindi. Recently Avalanche Bharat has circulated this wonder NFT to its community members, have a look here.

This Week in Avalanche
“This Week in Avalanche” is a series of weekly newsletters covering all the things that Avalanche does in a week. Our community member Edw∀rd Will has come up with this wonderful idea to update people on weekly basis. Check out the latest newsletter here.
This Week in Avalanche, Jan 8 2021
Christmas Lottery
Avalanche organized an exciting lottery event for their community members in the festive times. People showed their enthusiasm for the event and ample of participants tried their luck. Here we have a list of Winners with their rewards below.
Winners of the Avalanche Lottery:
1-Radj07 50 Avax
2-Mahda 35 Avax
3-Scientiaax 20 Avax
Hubert 5 Avax
Stguller 5 Avax
Soniatiosanto 5 Avax
Aydinogan 5 Avax
Drctyptos 5 Avax
Tianbuyung 5 Avax
Hatasa 5 Avax

Súper Español
Spanish community has always been an amazing contributor in building the Avalanche community. Andrea Vargas a member of our Spanish community has given a breathtaking presentation on Avalanche : The Internet of Finance and Its Role in DeFi with DeFi Lab. Andrea has beautifully explained how Avalanche works and how its revolutionary consensus manages to solve the bottlenecks of previous blockchains. To watch the entire video click here.
You can also check out this spectacular article that can give you the outline of the AMA. It got published in Cointelegraph. To read the article click here.
Realizarán un encuentro virtual para explicar el funcionamiento de Avalanche
Do anything but let it produce joy
Just for fun, Our Spanish community organised a quiz bowl to share their knowledge on Avalanche. With a lot of participation it was hard to choose the winners, But some of them grab the seat.
Have a look at the winning seat below:
They received 400 points ,240 points & 100 points respectively .

Fantastik Türkler
Live Stream is all about interaction and engagement. Our Turkish community member Squanch has given an eye-catching live stream with Alp IŞIK answering questions related to Avalanche. Squanch was encouraged by more than 1k people who were live stream. Check out the video by clicking here.
NFTs gonna stay
With the launch of studio on Avalanche wallet, making NFT has become a lot easy as pie . This time Avalanche HUB steals the show by giving away this beautiful NFT of Vitalik to remind the upcoming Apricot upgrade and AVAX/ETH Bridge.
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To add your contributions and be an Avanger join the community. Click here
We hope Community Updates will make AVAX Portal even more useful, so that you’re not worried about missing out on cool events and opportunities around you.
Thanks for being with us on this journey everyone — to AVALANCHE!

Thanks for reading! Join us on Telegram to participate in discussions on how we can make Avalanche a movement we can be proud of.
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AVAX Portal #5 was originally published in Avalanche Hub on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.