AVAX Portal #6

The year 2020 has taught us unconditional love and the ability to support, nurture, and heal. Avalanche community has also showcased embodiment of the heart. The love and support by our community members is infinite and is spreading all across the world. The amazing contributions are countless. Lets appreciate the enthusiasm and the positivity reflecting the growth of our community with each passing day.
We believe in the power of one.
No doubt Avalanche is the best blockchain out there, but that’s not the only reason we all are out here. Avalanche went a step forward from being a community, Now its a family. The warmth, attachment and passion we get in this family is priceless.
When it comes to show our love for Avalanche , we become one.
A lot of polls were organized lately and we all ensure, The name of Avalanche is triggered by our small efforts, Together.
Have a look at some of the polls:
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Derek Silva in The Graph Official Community

For some reasons, the pool was extended and proposed also in their forum, nothing changed:

CoinMarketCap 2020 Most Influential Person
Emin Gün Sirer co-founder and CEO at Ava Labs and a prominent professor of computer science at Cornell University. He is well-known for having implemented the first currency that used proof-of-work (PoW) to mint coins, received 3 awards at the coinmarketcap 2020 Most Influential Poll.
He was selected in three categories as follows:

- Most influential person in crypto
- Most influential entrepreneurs in crypto
- Most influential Tech Leader in crypto
Avalanche Hindi is now on Telegram
Namaste friends! Avalanche Hindi is now on Telegram. Kuen Shahi, a community member has taken the initiative to start the Avalanche Hindi telegram group. A local community for Indians, where they can talk about Avalanche in their local language. Join Avalanche Hindi on Telegram and Twitter .
Infographic wave
Infographic in Avalanche are way beyond the imagination. The beautiful creativity and ideas portrayed by our community members is speechless. Avalanche motivates the outstanding efforts by one of our community member, beautifully showing the Avalanche-Ethereum bridge with the help of infographic.
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Avalanche Enigma
Our amazing community member Ponay is managing Avalanche Enigma where he tries to engage people to build the community with his attractive tactics. Lately, Avalanche Enigma has given an amazing puzzle which has caught the attention of many. Follow Avalanche Enigma for more such innovative stuff.

E Magazine
In todays world, everyone has become tech savvy and keeping this ideology in mind @Alper has started the Avalanche e-magazine. Update yourself and know what new is happening in Avalanche. Follow Alper on twitter and stay tuned.
Click here .

You can also read it in Turkish.
Incase u missed the December edition, click here.
For November edition, click here.
Loving the community and actively contributing in the growth is very important. SEQ helps the people to know more about Avalanche with the help of informative articles written by them. Check out the articles by following SEQ on medium.
We hope Community Updates will make AVAX Portal even more useful, so that you’re not worried about missing out on cool events and opportunities around you.
Thanks for being with us on this journey everyone — to AVALANCHE!

Thanks for reading! Join us on Telegram to participate in discussions on how we can make Avalanche a movement we can be proud of.
For further information, please visit:
AVAX Portal #6 was originally published in Avalanche Hub on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.