Life is not about finding our limitations, it’s about finding our infinity. We cross infinity with every step; we meet eternity in every second.
Blockchain opened the doors for infinite opportunities across all sectors and is putting hard efforts to break the ceiling. Avalanche launched back in 2020 is a core contributor in this disruption and reset. Avalanche is not just any regular chain but perhaps is building an entirely new city which will be much faster , truly decentralized and capable of conceiving infinity. Developers building on Avalanche are infinite choice-makers. What makes this city great and existence, the possibilities where builders have access to an eternity of choices. Avalanche Ethereum bridge opened the doors for the builders of Ethereum to migrate to Avalanche and use their propound and better tools to build infrastructure of their choice. With Avalanche the builders of Ethereum can now hold infinity in the palm of their hand. Avalanche converts the possible into the inevitable.
Infinity is the end. End without infinity is but a new beginning.
Since its launch AVAX PORTAL is bringing you the updates around the community hidden in time, hard to find but an important contribution in Avalanche ecosystem. Now lets have a look to a new chapter by community from past two weeks.
Avalanche Enigma

AvaxGuessr an initiative by our beloved Avanger PONAY was launched way back and it is not just a fun game but also an easy way to earn AVAX token.
AvaxGuessr just got premium this time with higher rewards/prizes, Our lovely Avangers have collaborated to sponsor the event. We will see Andrea contributing (5 AVAX)and Giuseppe(3.5 AVAX)&(1AVAX + PNG to farm on Pangolin). Also we will be having free guesses for those who participate in the task on hub. Check the link for the same below:
Avalanche Hub: Community Growth Platform | Ava Labs
AvaxGuessr — The delegation game is about to create a pool of AVAX, delegate the pool on a node and every 2 weeks, 1 winner will get the whole delegation reward .
At the end of the delegation period, if you are the winner, you’ll get your AVAX back + the delegation rewards, except if you want to play in next session.
At the end of the delegation period, if you aren’t the winner, you’ll get your AVAX back, except if you want to play in next session.
So, you will never lose any AVAX 🙂
Add the symbol

We all had used Avalanche logo or statements to promote the project , but this time it’s different. Adding the Avalanche symbol is the hottest task around. It’s not just about promotion but rather it shows how much we trust Avalanche. Check the link below to know more about this task and how u can participate in this movement.
Avalanche Hub: Community Growth Platform | Ava Labs
Avalanche Lounge
Looking for a place to just relax and explore all about Avalanche under one roof?
Then Avalanche lounge is the perfect place for you, where u can find out tutorials to ecosystem partners to exchanges. Looking for what’s hot in Avalanche then why search the web rather just check in the lounge, Grab an expresso and Explore Avalanche!
The Lounge: Apps and Tools on Avalanche
Hello NFT
We are back with NFTS , but this time its different. Avalanche HUB is the best place for us to hang out and with a task around NFT ,We can see our Avangers using their skills , playing with the Avalanche NFT tool. Özge Erdemir, used the AVAX tool to design beautiful art In celebration of Int’l Women’s Day.

This Week in Avalanche
Just like the AVAX PORTAL , This week in Avalanche is another great initiative by our community member Edward , where u get to know the weekly updates around the Avalanche ecosystem development. Want to know about Avalanche Major News? or Staking stats? or Ecosystem developments? or Developer stuff or any upcoming event? then u must check out this place , a one stop shop for all your needs on Avalanche, keeps u updated on weekly developments.
Chainlink Hackathon Spring 2021
If Hackathon is your thing, then u must join this upcoming event organized by Chainlink for developers . Avalanche is the lead sponsor. Learn about using Chainlink data feeds on Avalanche, and build without limits. Win $80k+ in Hackathon prize bounties.
Virtual Hackathon Spring 2021 | Chainlink
AVAXquiz Spanish Community!

AVAXquiz is a format that we have implemented in the Telegram community in Spanish , to generate the interaction of the members and in turn learn more about Avalanche .
They are held every Friday at 1:00 p.m. ET and have a duration of 1 hour. The prizes to be distributed in the live event are: 400 points to 1st place, 250 points to 2nd place, 100 points to 3rd place. In the event of a tie in score, the response time is considered.
Pangolin Forum
Launch of Pangolin was a big achievement for the community in the beginning of the year. With 360 million in volume and 162 million in liquidity, Pangolin is on an exponential growth. As we all know Pangolin was setup with the vision to keep it completely decentralized and transparent, so, the community has recently launched a forum around that where you can participate in discussions and vote on developments. Have a look at the governance portal below:
We hope Community Updates will make AVAX Portal even more useful, so that you’re not worried about missing out on cool events and opportunities around you.
Thanks for being with us on this journey everyone — to AVALANCHE!

Thanks for reading! Join us on Telegram to participate in discussions on how we can make Avalanche a movement we can be proud of.
For further information, please visit:
AVAX PORTAL #8 was originally published in Avalanche Hub on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.