Dexalot Single-Chain Sunset Schedule
retirement schedule for the single-chain app on Avalanche C-Chain

The original Dexalot Mainnet that launched on December 6th 2021 will be retired and taken off-line on February 28th 2023. The frontend and backend services will be taken offline but the contracts will remain in a paused state.
Here are the key dates and actions you need to do as you prepare for the new and improved Dexalot Subnet powered by Avalanche.
January 29th, 2023
- The original Dexalot exchange on the Avalanche C-Chain will be available on at 11 am EST.
- This original exchange will continue to be fully functional until Feb 1st, 2023.
- You can deposit, withdraw, and place executable orders.
February 1st, 2023
- The original exchange on will retain limited functionality.
- No new orders can be placed.
- You can withdraw assets and cancel orders.
Feb 28th, 2023
- The original exchange will be decommissioned.
- You will no longer have access to the frontend.
- The contracts will be on the blockchain in perpetuity with the limited functionality as outlined above. Scripts may be used to withdraw assets and cancel orders but no new orders can be placed and no activity will be possible through a frontend interface.
Please remove your frontend accessible assets before February 28th. Thanks for your patience as we move to the Dexalot Subnet!
Author: Brad McFall
Editor: Dan Marcoulis
Graphics: Can Toygar
About Dexalot:
Dexalot is a revolutionary decentralized exchange bringing the traditional centralized exchange look and feel to a decentralized on-chain application. Its mission is to bring a truly inclusive and transparent environment where Dexalot users can trade crypto securely and efficiently, with no slippage or custody risk. It is built on Avalanche, the fastest smart contracts platform in the blockchain industry.
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Dexalot Single-Chain Sunset Schedule was originally published in Dexalot on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.