Dragon Crypto AMA #1 — Project Overview with Sam (Project Lead), Dan (Creative Content Manager) &…
Dragon Crypto AMA #1 — Project Overview with Sam (Project Lead), Dan (Creative Content Manager) & Stefan (Marketing and Community Manager)(Recap)

On 7/21/2022 at 5:00 p.m. (PST), an AMA session was held on Avalaunch Telegram with some of DCG’s core team — Sam (Project Lead), Dan (Creative Content Manager) and Stefan (Marketing and Community Manager). The focus of this AMA was the business development, vision, road map, and post-IDO plans.
Below we present to you an excerpt from AMA with questions and answers.
Niki | Avalaunch
Hello everyone!
We’re excited to turn the lights back on in here with our first AMA with the Dragon Crypto Gaming team!
Today, we are joined by @samthewise78 (Project Lead) @heatengine (Marketing and Community Manager) and @Daniel_DragonFeeder (Creative Content).
Welcome guys! How are you?
Daniel|Dragon Crypto
Well thanks great to be here!
Heatengine|Dragon Crypto
Hello everybody! Very well, and you? Happy to be here!
Sam|Dragon Crypto
Hey, great thank you!
Niki | Avalaunch
Awesome! Well… let’s have some fun in the AMA. Shall we!?
Heatengine|Dragon Crypto
Let’s go!
Niki | Avalaunch
First, thank you for being here today to share about all the work Dragon Crypto Gaming has been doing the past year. But first…
Can we please start today’s conversation with an introduction of yourself?
Sam|Dragon Crypto
My name is Sam. I am the Lead developer and founder of Dragon Crypto Gaming.
I have been an avid gamer for most of my life, since I got my first 486 (if anyone remembers them!).
I started programming at around the same time and it became one of my favourite hobbies. My first attempt at a text based game was around 25 years ago. With Dragon Crypto Gaming, I combined my passion for RPG games and crypto into one platform with the help of the team.
We have a well rounded team of professionals with decades of experience in software development, project management and marketing.
We are all passionate gamers and quite frankly, nerds and are constantly working at getting to the top of GameFI space
Niki | Avalaunch
How would you best describe Dragon Crypto Gaming?
What’s its vision and which challenges does it address?
Heatengine|Dragon Crypto
As gamers at heart, our team’s main goal is to offer a fun and fulfilling gaming experience on the blockchain.At present the main offerings from GameFi offer little true game play and are just idle set and collect farms, We want to have the depth to our games and show what web3 gaming can truly be. We believe we are pushing the boundaries of play and earn gaming by leveraging the global reach and limitless potential of Defi and delightful gameplay!
Niki | Avalaunch
How does Dragon Crypto Gaming position itself in the space of metaverse RPG play-to-earn gaming?
Who are your competitors?
Daniel|Dragon Crypto
We like to think we position ourselves at the forefront of the metaverse RPG movement, not only are we all avid gamers that have a long history of playing most of the classic (And a lot of not so classic) RPGs, but we have an actual game that is not only playable as a Beta right this instant, but is only weeks away from releasing on the main chain itself.
As for competitors, we like to think of the crypto RPG metaverse in the phrase “A rising tide lifts all boats”. So every game that comes to the metaverse space brings more interest and hype with it, which benefits all other games already here or planning to be here. More hype = more numbers = More money to go around.
But to give a bit less of a political answer, the obvious 2 competitors to mention would be DFK and Crabada, we plan to be next to these 2 titans of the Avax network.
Niki | Avalaunch
Can you pls give us a high-level overview of the structure underlying the legend of Aurum Draconis?
Sam|Dragon Crypto
The Legend of Aurum Draconis is an old-school fantasy, Play and Earn RPG.
Players are brought into the realm of Dragon Haven to seek their fortune, uncovering long-forgotten secrets and braving unknown dangers as they work their way to slay the golden dragon.
It features a huge variety of enemy encounters and loot drops, detailed character customization and leveling, resource gathering and crafting mechanics, an in-game player-directed marketplace and much more.
Through combat, crafting and other in-game activities, your game characters can gain much-needed experience to defeat enemies of increasing difficulty and collect valuable loot.
As part of their combat strategy, players can choose from a plethora of powerful weapons, armor, and other equipment and essential items, which are all NFTs on the blockchain.
With the release of the land ownership system in the near future, players will be able to acquire land plots which they can design and build on and earn passive incomes.
To play The Legend of Aurum Draconis, players must hold a Dragon Crypto Hero NFT, which will be their in-game character, or even a team of them.
In line with Dragon Crypto Gaming’s ethos of making games that are widely accessible, these NFTs are pegged at $100 on initial mint, making them much more affordable than other GameFi / P2E NFTs which cost thousands of dollars.
One of my personal favourite parts is our sustainable economy, where in-game spending as well as the marketplace put game rewards back in to the game economy.
Niki | Avalaunch
What were the principles behind adding such explorative maps like The Plains, The Mines, The Deep Forest and the Deadlands? How do they fit with the current narrative of this digital space?
Heatengine|Dragon Crypto

We are really looking at delivering an expansive world to our players. Each area will function as a value add to the game; for instance, the mines and deep wood will be used for collecting resources for crafting. This will be accomplished through skill-based mini-games, which adds another layer of entertainment to those playing.
Also, each area will act as a chapter of the main quest line. With each release, another area will be explored, unraveling the storyline towards the hero’s quest to slay the golden dragon.
Niki | Avalaunch
Dragon Crypto ecosystem seems to be powered by two tokens $DCAU and $DCAR, can you pls outline the difference between the two?
Daniel|Dragon Crypto
DCG uses a dual token economy $DCAR is the currency required to purchase crafting materials and actions, land plots, and can be staked to earn a share of platform revenues. $DCAU is required to purchase Dragon Crypto Hero NFTs as well as to perform certain essential in-game actions such as healing and resting to recover your turns. It doesn’t stop there; $DCAR will, in the near future, become the native gas token for the Dragon Crypto Gaming Avalanche subnet and both $DCAU and $DCAR will play a key role in future game offerings.

Niki | Avalaunch
Thanks for the breakdown — and the visual!
When will the staking for the $DCAR token become available — and what about the $DCAU token?
Sam|Dragon Crypto
Staking will go live with the launch of the game In August, Investors will be able to enter the game and go to Groms’s Bank on the world map, there they will be able to select a variety of Defi tools and farms for their DCAR.
DCAU will not have a farm as it is fully minted but will be able to be bonded through a NFT staking mechanism to earn DCAR.
Investors will also able to earn DCAU by staking DCAR through game revenue sharing.
Niki | Avalaunch
What are the plans for expanding the ecosystem beyond the current partnerships and backers, or even outside of these two verticals?
Heatengine|Dragon Crypto

At the moment, we are entirely focused on getting “The Legend of Aurum Draconis” live and running smoothly. Once this is all going well, we will start to explore our possibilities. Further, this will include subnets and cross-chain interoperability.
We will also partner with other projects to bring other games to the world of Dragon Haven and allow our heroes to explore different dimensions in other projects.
Niki | Avalaunch
What are the metrics of success that you use for The Legend of Aurum Draconis and Tiny Dragon NFTs, are there any plans for continuing with the growth of the project?
Daniel|Dragon Crypto

We launched 1000 Tiny dragons which sold out in 15 min and have run over 1000 matches in the Arena. We see this as a success for Tiny Dragons. We have big plans for Tiny Dragons with integration as a pet in the The Legend of Aurum Draconis that gives an extra power move in battle ,an updated Arena within the Aurum Draconis Game map. There will be updated battle mechanics and the introduction of partner NFTs from other projects. Also Tiny dragon genetic splicing and Tiny dragon adventures.
With The Dragon Crypto heroes the first 1000 sold out in under 3 min and the second series of 1000 sold out in 15 min We believe this shows a strong interest in the game and a successful NFT launch. The team has so many plans for the game and we are very excited!
The next development after the game release will be a land management system with players able to setup things such as marketplaces or a blacksmith to craft equipment.This will add to the game economy and allow further ways for players to engage and earn.
Niki | Avalaunch
What would you say the highlights of Dragon Crypto Gaming are from the year 2021? Would you have done anything different?
Sam|Dragon Crypto
Dragon Crypto started in the 3rd quarter of 2021 and it was all about setting the base for the entire ecosystem.
While we were working on creating the main game’s infrastructure, getting artwork designed and planning various strategies, we also launched our first token $DCAU along with our first mini game called Tiny Dragon Arena. $DCAU emissions started in this same year and Tiny Dragons were a huge hit with our early adopters.
In my opinion, our plan worked out exactly as we wanted when we started. The team grew with time and we on-boarded various skill sets needed to execute a premium quality product. I wouldn’t want to change anything ?
Niki | Avalaunch
Scaling up like that is not always easy. Tremendous effort. Glad it all worked out as you planned ?
What are you most excited about for Dragon Crypto Gaming? Are there any first-hand insights that you can share with us today?
Heatengine|Dragon Crypto

I am most excited about the game’s future and how it will evolve from where we are. I wish I could peek into the future and see the fantastic world the team has built. Honestly, the team has loads of things planned, and apart from that, we see limitless possibilities for our game. We are holding a few secrets to unleash when the time comes. ?
Sam|Dragon Crypto
I am really excited about our graphical overhaul, which we’re getting concept art done for right now. This will be a huge improvement as you’ll be able to see your character and equipment beautifully rendered on an all new map.
The land ownership system also makes me excited, as it adds even more utility for DCAR and more possibilities for the crafters out there, the only way to get items to build on your land is to craft them or buy them off the market after they’ve been put together by crafters. You’ll be able to make your mark on the land and even earn passive incomes by doing so.
Niki | Avalaunch
Alright… we are done with this set of questions. Now, let’s move to some Twitter Questions. We picked 5 of the best. Here goes…
Twitter Questions
1 — @AmawinerChloe — Is this game suitable for crypto beginner gamers or does it only appeal to professional users?
Sam|Dragon Crypto
This game is suitable for any gamer with a basic knowledge of operating on a blockchain.
The game is designed in such a way so that blockchain interactions interfere the least amount so that you can enjoy the game, we’ve made a game with great gameplay, without being so complicated that you have to read a book just to get started playing.
Blockchain here is used to my personal opinion to make the game even better, rather than being tacked on, allowing our players to actually own what they play with. From heroes, equipment to even consumables. Everything is owned by you and can be freely traded in the open market.
EDIT: our wiki which we are building up to help players learn:
2 — @nicenice0001 — There are a lot of NFT card games out there for example — can you tell us how “DCGgamefi” differs from typical NFT card games and similar casual games?
Daniel|Dragon Crypto

The Legend of Aurum Draconis is not exactly a card game. Our goal is to build a retro themed, true RPG game on the blockchain. There are hero characters, you can create the party with the heroes you own, search for monsters in the plains. Fighting monsters gives you experiences and loot, which you can trade. You level up and manage your own stats, choose a path which can be from a warrior to a crafter.
You can mine for resources, craft new items, repair broken items, play our mini games. The list is endless and this is just the beginning. We have amazing things planned ahead with just one focus. The game should be super fun to play 🙂
I think Sam wold like to add to this
Sam|Dragon Crypto
One of the main reasons for us creating an immersive game is we want to provide entertainment to players, not just earning mechanics.
3 — @MagdaSupercars — How will you expand your relationships & build communities in both English & non-English speaking contries? Are there Any restrictions?
Sam|Dragon Crypto

Our experienced marketing and business development team is already doing wonders. We already have strong relationships with so many English and Non-English speaking countries and more are being added daily.
Obviously, there are no restrictions and why would there be?
The goal is to create a super fun game which anyone can enjoy from anywhere in the world.
We are very focused on making it user friendly for any location based on the user data we receive.
Our main website is already localized in various languages, as well as our documentation and our target is to make the game multilingual in the future as well. 🙂
4 — @phant0mna0mi — Do your HERO NFTs have any use case or its for only collection?
Heatengine|Dragon Crypto
Our Hero NFTs are not just for collection, even though these are some super high-quality human art PFPs ?
The NFTs are divided into various tiers. Each tier has various benefits and extra stats available. These stats can be used in-game to choose a path for your hero. The hero NFT is the key to our meta verse, the Dragon Haven. You use the hero to fight monsters, craft items, search for resources, go in the mines, and hang out in the inn 🙂 It’s your in-game persona and being an NFT, you completely own it!

5 — @Maiphuong32 — Why do you choose $AVAX ?? And is there a chance from @DCGgamefi to cross other networks in future ??
Daniel|Dragon Crypto

Avalanche is one of the best L1s out there. We started our journey with Avalanche because its decentralized, cheap, scalable, highly secure and most importantly super fast. This allows us to have a very good in game experience. Even though we ensure there is least amount of blockchain interference during playing the game, whatever there is, it costs the minimum amount of gas.
Our current goal is to make the best version of the game and once this is all going well we, will start to explore our possibilities further, this will include subnets and cross chain interoperability.
You can find all the DCG ecosystem links here @ dragoncrypto.io/links
✅Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/DCGgamefi
✅Join our vibrant community on Discord
✅Subscribe to our Youtube channel where we have weekly streams and updates
?Watch The Legend of Aurum Draconis Lore Trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h8EUqmhZu8&t=62s)
Niki | Avalaunch
Congratulations @samthewise78 and @heatengine ! You’ve made it through phase 2 of our rather thorough AMA. You have excelled and your progress is noteworthy.
Now you must meet the good people of our telegram community and face down their questions…
We will mute the chat for 4 minutes and let the community ask, then you can answer any 5 of your choice. What do you say?
Telegram Questions
1 — @DeanaWilmoth ??Will Dragon Crypto Gaming also care about graphics / gameplay and other factors such as sound, or will it be a crypto and NFT-heavy game???
Sam|Dragon Crypto
We already have sound, graphics and a full game in place with a lot more interaction than the typical staking based game, with an improved graphical system to come soon too, it’s one of the most important aspects of an interactive and immersive game.
2- @evangeline_fife Can you explain, which one is your top priority? Security, Product, Partnership, or Token price?
Sam|Dragon Crypto
In crypto, this all has to align well, security is being sorted out on the contract side by Paladin security who have a great and proven track record, creating the best product will ultimately help investors and anyone following the project, so that is our biggest focus, the product :).
3- Cangeline Fife What is your strongest advantage that you think will make your team leading the market?
Heatengine|Dragon Crypto
We are offering entertaining games with well-thought-through tokenomics that add to sustainability. We think it’s a killer combination!.
4 — @Augustawendt1994 Did the fall of the market affect you?
Heatengine|Dragon Crypto
Who wasn’t affected in any way? We felt it. It is harder to grow in the market, but bear markets are for building, if you start building in bear you are already too late. We received funding from our backers and can calmly work to give our investors and holders the best value and players the best experience.
5- @Cecilia_Parris_2003 Do you have any plan for burning tokens in the future to reduce the supply of the token and increase its investment attractiveness?
Daniel|Dragon Crypto
Thanks for this question. Both our tokens have a burning mechanism through game actions. So when a player pays for any action such as resting in the inn or healing around 20% will be burned and the rest will go back into game rewards. This we believe will help support the price of our tokens.
6- @lamendenhall Where can I currently buy Token?
Daniel|Dragon Crypto
At the moment $DCAU can be bought through Avalanche DEX providers. For DCAR the place to get it is through Avalaunch IDO!
Lovish| Avalaunch
Awesome guys :))
On a final note — you have been an exceptional guest’s. Highly thoughtful answers and cleanly shared information. We’re happy to be hosting your IDO and wish you all the success we imagine you having. Very much appreciate your time today and look forward to your launch and beyond!
Thank you. Been great getting to know you all and DragonCrypto gaming and look forward to our continued work together.
Heatengine|Dragon Crypto
Thank you for having us! You have such a big and active community. We’re glad to be partners with the best on Avalanche!
Daniel|Dragon Crypto
Thanks everyone !
Sam|Dragon Crypto
Thanks guys, very happy to be working and getting your advice from Avalaunch, it’s helped us tremendously

About Avalaunch
Avalaunch is a launchpad powered by the Avalanche platform, allowing new and innovative projects to seamlessly prepare for launch with an emphasis on fair and broad distribution. With its values deeply rooted in the early Avalanche community, we are able to offer projects confident, informed users who are aligned with the long-term goals of the rapidly expanding application ecosystem.
Leveraging Avalanche’s scalable, high-throughput, and low-latency platform, Avalaunch is built by users, for teams, to help grow strong communities.
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Dragon Crypto AMA #1 — Project Overview with Sam (Project Lead), Dan (Creative Content Manager) &… was originally published in Avalaunch on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.