Everything You Need To Know About The New Gear System — Imperium Empires
Everything You Need To Know About The New Gear System — Imperium Empires

On October 26, Apollo Season 3 users in a game-changing feature in the Imperium Metaverse — the GEAR SYSTEM!
The gear system is the latest feature update to hit Imperium Empires Apollo that provides spaceship upgradability and customizability. Gears are collectables that can be equipped in the game to strengthen your spaceships. Gears would not be discarded at the end of season.
Gear and Gear Slot Introduction

Gear slots allow you to add gear to your ships. Gear and Gear slots vary in sizes and types. The number, type & size of each ship’s Gear slots are fixed.
Visit edit fleet page in Apollo and click on the gear slots to equip or unequip gears.
For the current patch, gears are effective only in Apollo. Support for gear modifications for Alpha PVP will only come in later patches. Please stay tuned for that announcement.
Gear and Gear Slot Type

There are 4 gear types in Imperium Empires — Weapon, Shield, Support and Mining.
- Weapon gears are offensive equipment. Items include Missiles, Bullets and Lasers that you can equip to your ships in order to increase & modify fire power.

- Shield gears allow you to protect your ships and neglect damage received.

- Support gears are components with different utilities, such as a Speed Booster that enhances the agility of your ships, the Pelicontainer that boosts cargo capacity and more.

- Mining gears enhance mining abilities. Spaceships with mining gears have much better mining abilities but the mining gears do not help in battles.

A gear has to be equipped in the correct gear slot (e.g. Weapons Gears and only be equipped in the Weapons Gear slots). However, there is a slot type named “Any” that allows you to fit in any type of gear you want.

Utility in Apollo
Gear Power determines your successful rate in lurking and rewards from pirate events.
Equip a weapon gear with higher gear power to increase your lurking rate and ore rewards in pirate events.
Utility in future PvP:
There are three types of weapons in Imperium Empires — Missiles, Bullets and Lasers.
Equipping different weapons would change the fire power and attack method of your spaceships. Each weapon has different characteristics:

Utility in Apollo:
Gear Power determines your successful rate in lurking and rewards from pirate events.
Similar to weapon gear, equip a shield gear with higher gear power to decrease your chance of getting lurked by other players and increase ore rewards in pirate events.
Utility in future PvP:
Shields are energy barriers that neglect damage for your spaceships. The amount of neglectable damage depends on shield strength. When the shield breaks, it takes time to recharge. The recharge time (cooldown) and strength of different shield gears varies depending on their model.
Support — Speed Booster
Utility in Apollo:
Support gears provide different unique effects. Speed Booster increases the movement speed of your spaceships. Note that the traveling time between Zectors of your fleet depends on the ship with the slowest speed.
Utility in future PvP:
Speed Booster increases both the movement speed and turning rate of your spaceships. The agility boost allows players to chase down their opponents, escape from difficult battles and evade attacks.
Support — PeliContainer
Utility in Apollo:
PeliContainer increases the cargo capacity of your spaceships.
Utility in future PvP:
PeliContainer is only effective in Apollo.
Utility in Apollo:
Mining gears enhance ore rewards in a mining event. Mining gears are also divided into three types i.e. Iron, Xeto and Imperium. Mining gear effects only to the corresponding ores.
Utility in future PvP:
Mining gear is only effective in Apollo.
Gear and Gear Slot Size
Gear size ranges from I-III
Gear size I is used for ships with size 1–2.
Gear size II is used for ships with size 3.
Gear size III is used for ships with size 4.
Note that size 3 ships can ONLY equip size II gear, but not size I gear. For example, an Aurostar (Ship Size 3) can only equip Aurum Laser II (Gear Size II) , but cannot equip Aurum Laser I (Gear Size I).
Gears can be destroyed in Imperium Empires. As a measure to get players familiar with the new system and a discount for the first season, destruction of gears are currently disabled.
Imperium Chest
Gears can be acquired via Imperium Chests. Each chest contains one gear that is randomly chosen from the pool list.
Imperium Chest is sold in L-IMC only! Use L-IMC to get the latest gears and boost your spaceship powers!

Two chests are available in Season 3!
Size I Gear Chest:
- Suitable for size 1 and 2 ships only (Strekzans, Augear, Galaxy Scootie, TriPod-X, Pelicouter)
Pool List:
Sporak Missile I
FOG Rifle I
Aurum Laser I
Aurum Shelter I
Sporak Barrier I
FOG Shield I
Iron Mining Tool
Xeto Mining Tool
Imperium Mining Tool
PeliContainer I
Speed Booster I
Size II Gear Chest:
- Suitable for size 3 ships only (Aurostar)
Sporak Missile II
FOG Rifle II
Aurum Laser II
Aurum Shelter II
Sporak Barrier II
FOG Shield II
PeliContainer II
Speed Booster II
List of Gears
Weapon Gear
Gear Name: Sporak Missile I
Gear Size: I
Gear Type: Weapon
Ability in Apollo:
Gear Power: 20
Ability in Future PvP:
Weapon Type: Missiles
Weapon Strength: 300
Gear Name: Sporak Missile II
Gear Size: II
Gear Type: Weapon
Ability in Apollo:
Gear Power: 70
Ability in Future PvP:
Weapon Type: Missiles
Weapon Strength: 1100

Gear Name: FOG Rifle I
Gear Size: I
Gear Type: Weapon
Ability in Apollo:
Gear Power: 30
Ability in Future PvP:
Weapon Type: Bullets
Weapon Strength: 200
Gear Name: FOG Rifle II
Gear Size: II
Gear Type: Weapon
Ability in Apollo:
Gear Power: 100
Ability in Future PvP:
Weapon Type: Bullets
Weapon Strength: 400

Gear Name: Aurum Laser I
Gear Size: I
Gear Type: Weapon
Ability in Apollo:
Gear Power: 40
Ability in Future PvP:
Weapon Type: Lasers
Weapon Strength: 300
Gear Name: Aurum Laser II
Gear Size: II
Gear Type: Weapon
Ability in Apollo:
Gear Power: 120
Weapon Type: Lasers
Weapon Strength: 600

Shield Gear
Gear Name: Aurum Shelter I
Gear Size: I
Gear Type: Shield
Ability in Apollo:
Gear Power: 20
Ability in Future PvP:
Shield Strength: 300
Cooldown: 40s
Gear Name: Aurum Shelter II
Gear Type: Shield
Gear Size: 2
Ability in Apollo:
Gear Power: 70
Ability in Future PvP:
Shield Strength: 600
Cooldown: 40s

Gear Name: Sporak Barrier I
Gear Size: I
Gear Type: Shield
Ability in Apollo:
Gear Power: 30
Ability in Future PvP:
Shield Strength: 200
Cooldown: 30s
Gear Name: Sporak Barrier II
Gear Size: II
Gear Type: Shield
Ability in Apollo:
Gear Power: 100
Ability in Future PvP:
Shield Strength: 400
Cooldown: 30s

Gear Name: FOG Shield I
Gear Size: I
Gear Type: Shield
Ability in Apollo:
Gear Power: 40
Ability in Future PvP:
Shield Strength: 150
Cooldown: 20s
Gear Name: FOG Shield II
Gear Size: II
Gear Type: Shield
Ability in Apollo:
Gear Power: 120
Ability in Future PvP:
Shield Strength: 300
Cooldown: 20s

Mining Gear
Gear Name: Iron Mining Tool
Gear Size: I
Gear Type: Mining
Ability in Apollo:
Gear Power: –
Ore Type: Iron
Mining Strength: 30
Gear Name: Xeto Mining Tool
Gear Size: I
Gear Type: Mining
Ability in Apollo:
Gear Power: –
Ore Type: Xeto
Mining Strength: 25
Gear Name: Imperium Mining Tool
Gear Size: I
Gear Type: Mining
Ability in Apollo:
Gear Power: –
Ore Type: Imperium
Mining Strength: 15

Support Gear — Engine
Gear Name: Speed Booster I
Gear Type: Support — Engine
Gear Size: 1
Ability in Apollo:
Gear Power: –
Speed Boost: 10
Ability in Future PvP:
Speed Boost: 10
Turning Rate Boost: 20
Gear Name: Speed Booster II
Gear Type: Support — Engine
Gear Size: 2
Ability in Apollo:
Gear Power: –
Speed Boost: 15
Ability in Future PvP:
Speed Boost: 15
Turning Rate Boost: 15

Support Gear — Cargo Space
Gear Name: PeliContainer I
Gear Size: I
Gear Type: Support — Cargo Space
Ability in Apollo:
Gear Power: –
Cargo Capacity: 10000
Gear Name: PeliContainer II
Gear Size: II
Gear Type: Support — Cargo Space
Ability in Apollo:
Gear Power: –
Cargo Capacity: 13000