First Round of Compensation for Affected LPs is Here!
Are you the LP of our old Main Pool on Platypus? Well, here’s the first round of compensation. Check out how you can claim yours!

Great news! The first round of claim is now ready, and you can access it starting March 13 at 9:00 am UTC. This round consists of recovered funds, which amounts to around 52% of the original loss. It’s a significant step towards recouping from the unfortunate incident!
Where Can I Claim?
You can claim your compensation at our dedicated compensation page by clicking on the claim button next to ‘My Compensation’ as soon as the compensation goes live.
Link to compensation page:

What if my funds were in Vector / Echidna / Yield Yak?
If your funds were in Vector, Echidna, or Yield Yak, your part of the claim has to be claimed in their claim page. We’ve already sent the funds over to them. Just hang tight and keep an eye out for their announcement on the refund process.
What Else Should I Know?
We want to make sure you receive your compensation as soon as possible, so please make sure to claim your funds within one year. If you miss the deadline, the funds will go to our treasury and we’ll let the community decide how they will be managed, through governance.
This is just the beginning, folks. We’re committed to making things right, and we’ll do our best to retrieve lost tokens. Whenever we do, we’ll announce a round of compensation for all affected LPs. Negotiations can take time, but we appreciate your patience and support as we work to get your funds back to you.
PS: Update on Aave
Finally, we’re thrilled to announce that our proposal to Aave is moved to the snapshot voting stage. If we’re successful, we’ll be working with the Aave team closely on the rescue proposal code. We promise to keep the community updated every step of the way. Cheers to progress and a bright future ahead!
First Round of Compensation for Affected LPs is Here! was originally published in on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.