Heroes of NFT x Avalaunch: IDO Announcement

As crypto evolves as an asset class, the emergence of fundamental guidelines to inform one’s thinking will become more and more important. To date, the impact of intangibles such as measurable, truly natural community growth, clear development evolution and wholly committed teams have been profoundly felt but often overlooked.
Avalaunch has done its best to meet the occasionally conflicting traits of market demand, sentiment, underlying value propositions and sustainable modeling. We are aware that market cycles may always rule the day when early stage companies become tradable assets but longevity is a far more fundamental consideration. We must meet demand with an “ear to the street,” while doing our very best to provide a measure of quality assurance to the projects we contemplate for IDOs. In the current landscape of trending markets, consider:
- NFTs ballooned to a $41 billion market in 2021; nearly catching up to the total size of the global fine art market, valuated at ~50B USD.
- DeFi Protocols currently have in excess of 250B in locked value.
- There are more than 200 million bitcoin wallets alone.
- The global gaming market reached a value of US $175.8 billion in 2021.
Further consider the rise of virtual worlds like Decentraland, the increase in both number and quality of crypto-based games, the emergence of guilds, the global disruption of the blockchain across industries and the general emergence of the metaverse in assessing the potential of what lies ahead. The emerging picture truly puts in perspective how early we are and moreso, the importance of populating our Web3 with the “right stuff.”
At an intersection of DeFi, Gaming and NFTs squarely sits our next project and Avalaunch is proud to announce Heroes of NFT as our next IDO.
Something Special For This IDO: Rocket Joe
With full details to be released soon, Heroes of NFT will be the first project to participate in the highly anticipated Rocket Joe liquidity launch platform.
Rocket Joe is an innovative feature of Trader Joe that helps new projects bootstrap liquidity, avoid the typical launch pitfalls—bots, distribution issues, etc.—while giving a new token an opportunity to engage in organic price discovery.
Participants in Rocket Joe will be able to bid on liquidity prior to the AMM pool which will help determine and support a stable, more discovered price.
More details are shared below, but at a high level, the Avalaunch IDO will operate as normal. Once the IDO concludes, Rocket Joe will begin. The tokens on Avalaunch will remain locked until Rocket Joe concludes, at which point a pool with deep liquidity and a fair market price will open, and users on Avalaunch will be able to claim their tokens and trade freely.

Heroes of NFT is a dynamic universe which allows participants to create their Metasphere, roam the universe, interact and trade Avalanche NFTs along with play-to-earn capabilities.

Our Heroes are set in a post-apocalyptic metaverse commencing in the year 2073 after humans have drained and destroyed the world’s remaining natural resources. Can’t say we’re surprised and the wasteland seems a perfect place to separate pretenders from contenders as players begin a journey to rebuild a lost world. The battle for leadership commences as players fight to advance in the game arena.

The NFTs In Heroes
Certainly, a compelling world and a playable game is the most basic criteria in assessing a gamefi project. Heroes of NFT made this qualitative evaluation fairly easy since they currently have players who put their money on the line in order to participate. This is unusual for a project that has yet to list is something worth highlighting:
- As of today, the Heroes of NFT (“HON”) smart contract has received 5371 AVAX for 12,954 NFT cards distributed over more than 1200 wallets.
It is also worth noting that this is different from other JPEG NFT projects as Heroes of NFT cards have utility in the game and NFT generations. There are five types with varying rarity and the more rare the card is, the more potency it has in the game. Furthermore, the game is already live as Beta version; unlike other “idle” games, players can already play against each other as well as the AI Bot to polish their skills and gain experience, getting ready for the challenging road ahead to Play-Earn

More than NFT cards, Skins and Lands, called Metaspheres, will be sold. Many games that are craft and card-based limit the streams of revenue that can be generated. Within Heroes of NFT the team has already identified multiple streams of revenue and the addition of new NFTs will only serve to increase sales revenues.
To continue, let us peek behind the curtain — Heroes of NFT is a business with a sustainable revenue model. Consider the threading of the revenue drivers in the game:
- Purchase — Heroes of NFT cards (HROs) to build hero crews in order to enter the game arenas.
- Land — For more control and leadership, purchasing NFTs to establish your own community and arrange tournaments with a customized game economics.
- Power Up –Purchasing item cards and single use spell cards to help their gameplay and increase their chances of winning
These initial drivers lead participants to:
- Play-to-Earn — Players battle with their heroes against opponents to complete missions and achieve victory to survive and prosper in the new world.
- Ancillary — The namesake Heroes of NFT card is a turn- based collectible trading card where users must strategize. Additional spell cards, weapons and cosmetics provide heroes extra power and customization options.
- Sustainability — Heroes of NFT will use up to 80% of revenue coming from NFT cards to buy back Heroes of NFT ecosystem tokens after the final release of the game.
The latter bullet on sustainability speaks to the potential longevity for the game itself. As a model, play-to-earn is compelling and resultant of this, has been heavily subsidized. Projecting out, no one clearly knows how these mechanics can endure in the face of dwindling rewards.
- Value Generation — Play-to-Earn games are economically closed systems with finite benefits. In a closed system, interdependence between parties is crucial to this “island” economy.
To address this:
- There is a division of labor and roles in the Heroes of NFT ecosystem.
- People don’t need to play the game but still can benefit from Heroes of NFT.
- A buyback program is a built-in assurance that suggests, as long as there are players, users can be incentivized to play.

The division of labor is crucial and as follows:
- Yield farmers — generate additional HON tokens. Fueling the game economy, they will also be shareholders of Heroes of NFT’s ecosystem and benefit from the generated income.
- Gamers — tired of “pay to win,” these users desire true play to earn. Identified as younger and from especially developing countries, these players are a crucial component.
- Workers — don’t play as much as Gamers but want to generate income from the Heroes of NFT ecosystem. They spend AVAX to buy Hero character NFTs and stake HON, effectively generating NFT rewards for gamers.
A dual token economy— HON is the apex token and HRM is the rewards/in-game token
- Distributed through yield farming and gaming. Game distribution done in the special reward path works with the player experience.
- Used as a main currency in trading in the marketplace.
- Hon ownership grants entrance to ranked games and competitions.
- Hon staking creates usable NFT spell and item cards.
- Governance.
- Distributed through gaming.
- 3 variants are available digital & X-chain & C-chain.
- HRM can be spent for in-game items which are used once and burnt.
- Digital HRM can be claimed in X-chain.
- X-chain HRM transferrable to C-chain.
- NFT items and spell cards.
- C-chain HRM can be spent on item upgrades.
- C-chain HRM can be spent on boosting item & spell card creation.

Heroes of NFT: Links and Team
Website | Telegram (Discussion) | Twitter | Medium | Discord | Github |

Halil, Co-Founder and CEO: bachelor’s degree in Electric and Electronic Engineering and an MBA—worked in system administration field with strong abilities in shell scripting and python in the public sector for some years and has over 13 years of total experience in the energy sector as an executive. He is an early investor and validator of Avalanche.
Koray, Co-founder/Business Development and Financial Affairs: bachelor’s degree in Economics and an MBA—over 15 years of experience in multinational companies as a financial analyst and corporate Finance Executive.
Barış, Co-founder/Blockchain & full-stack developer: bachelor’s degree in Computer Sciences with expertise in C/C++, Nodejs, Solidity. Developer for 6 years mainly specialized in backend development with a total experience of over 12 years and a serial entrepreneur.
Deniz, Co-founder/Game Developer: bachelor’s and masters degree in Computer Sciences and Expertise in Object-Oriented Architecture, Socket programming, C/C++/C#, Unity, Unreal Engine, VR and AR developments; with total experience of over 12 years.
Partners & Backers:

“Anyone in GameFi knows that product is king and UX is queen. The Avalanche community is about to find out that Heroes of NFT has taken both to a whole new level. What the team is designing will usher in the next wave of users and ultimately empower gamers worldwide. Supporting their team has been an incredible journey. We’re just getting started, come join us.” — Jeff Nowak, Maven Capital.
Closing Thoughts
Heroes of NFT is truly a community supported project in the making. Avalaunch met the Heroes of NFT team many months ago and watched them make strides; garnering support from top tier investors as well as building an enviable community. This is precisely the type of project that an ecosystem can hope for; grassroots, built from the ground up in plain view, adding pieces and progressing as they go. Importantly, this is a business-minded project as the team has identified and fleshed out a number of revenue streams which already have a measure of market validation. Heroes of NFT has been organic growth through and through; the foundation has been poured properly and well-set.
Funding Numbers:
Strategic: 6M HON at .05 USD — $300,000 USD
Private : 16M HON at .075 USD — $1,200,000 USD
Comunity: 6M HON at .075 USD — $450,000 USD
Public Sales: 10M HON at .10 USD — $1,000,000 USD
Total Raise: $2,950,000 USD
Supply — Breakdown
- Total Supply: 200,000,000 HON
- Strategic Sale: 6M HON (3%)
- Private Sale: 16M HON (8%)
- Community Sale: 6M HON (3%)
- Public Sale: 10M HON (5%)
- Team: 30M HON (15%)
- Treasury (DAO): 5M HON (2.5%)
- LP Rewards: 47.5M HON (23.75%)
- Game Rewards: 47.5M HON (23.75%)
- Advisory & Strategics: 10M HON (5%)
- Airdrops: 2M HON (1%)
- Research & Development: 6M HON (3%)
- Marketing/Promotional: 6M HON (3%)
- Liquidity Provision: 8M HON (4%)

Vesting Following TGE:
- Strategic Sale: 7.5% at TGE, 60 days cliff, unlocked weekly over 18 months
- Private Sale: 10% at TGE, 60 days cliff, weekly unlocks over 18 months
- Community Sale: 50% at TGE, 30-day cliff, unlocked weekly for 4 months
- Public Sale: 50% at TGE, unlocked weekly over 3 months
- Team: 1-year cliff, unlocked weekly over 60 months
- Treasury (DAO): unlocked weekly over 60 months
- LP Rewards: unlocked weekly over 60 months
- Game Rewards: 60 months linear upon staking and game launch
- Advisory & Strategics: 1-year cliff, unlocked weekly over 12 months
- Airdrops: 100-day cliff, unlocked weekly over 12 months
- Research & Development: 5% at TGE, 12-month cliff, unlocked weekly over 20 months
- Marketing: 5% at TGE, 90-day cliff, unlocked weekly over 20 months
- Liquidity Provision: 100% unlocked and discretionary. Team has committed 50% for TGE.
- Initial Circulating Supply: 10.65M HON (excluding liquidity tokens)
- Initial Market Cap: 1.065M USD (excluding liquidity tokens)
The Heroes of NFT IDO on Avalaunch
- Total Supply: 200M HON
- 10M HON at .10 USD
- Sale Size: $1,000,000 USD
Registration Schedule:
- Registration Opens: January 27th at 11:00 p.m. (UTC)
- Registration Closes: January 30th at 6:00 a.m. (UTC)
Sale Schedule:
- Validator Round Begins: January 31st at 6:00 a.m. (UTC)
- Validator Round Closes: January 31st at 3:00 p.m. (UTC)
- Staking Round Begins: January 31st at 3:30 p.m. (UTC)
- Staking Round Closes: February 1st at 6:00 a.m. (UTC)
Rocket Joe Schedule

Users participating in the Avalaunch IDO can also participate in the Rocket Joe Launch. Staking for rJOE will be available at the start of February.
Heroes of NFT — Rocket Joe Launch Timeline
- February 4th (48hr): Users can deposit (and withdraw as optional)
- February 6th (24hr): Users can withdraw
- February 7th (7 days): All tokens are deposited into LP and locked
The tokens on Avalaunch will unlock 1 hour after the AMM pool on Trader Joe is opened.
Rocket Joe is designed to compliment the launchpad experience, not replace it. The Avalaunch IDO price is fixed, and the resulting Rocket Joe price will reflect a higher, secondary market rate based on interest and demand. This is a more robust alternative to simply opening a pool after IDO, with the added benefits of no bots, deeper liquidity and more organic price discovery.
For a detailed schedule, please refer to the upcoming Trader Joe announcement.
Avalaunch IDO Recap
- Total HON for sale: 10M
- Price: $.10
- Size: $1,000,000
- Inaugural Rocket Joe project
- Vesting — 50% at TGE, unlocked weekly over 3 months

About Avalaunch
Avalaunch is a launchpad powered by the Avalanche platform, allowing new and innovative projects to seamlessly prepare for launch with an emphasis on fair and broad distribution. With its values deeply rooted in the early Avalanche community, we are able to offer projects confident, informed users who are aligned with the long-term goals of the rapidly expanding application ecosystem.
Leveraging Avalanche’s scalable, high-throughput, and low-latency platform, Avalaunch is built by users, for teams, to help grow strong communities.
Heroes of NFT x Avalaunch: IDO Announcement was originally published in Avalaunch on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.