NewCanary: Exciting Changes for CanaryDEX

CanaryDex has always worked toward the goal of being more than an ordinary DEX, it is their belief DeFi is still in its infancy and will be the future of finance. For this purpose, they are taking action hoping to provide easier entry for new users into the space.
Introducing NewCanary, an all-encompassing onboarding ecosystem
- The $CNR token has already been established to allow experimentation and opportunities to earn with DeFi tools.
- BoogeyBirds will be highlighted to showcase how NFTs can be applied in DeFi
Canary has also hinted toward an unreviled GameFi venture, with further details to come.
With this new initiative, NewCanary will focus on deeper liquidity and more effective yield farming. To ensure high liquidity and provide lucrative incentives the current pools will be moved to Pangolin and Trader Joe. This move will help expose $CNR to a wider audience and create the possibility for a double reward system. With this change, you will now be able to stake your Pangolin or TraderJoe LP tokens on NewCanary to be rewarded with $PNG and $JOE while simultaneously earning $CNR.
With the new changes will come a brand new look, Canary has designed a clean and straightforward interface to give you access to the necessary tools to farm and track earnings as well as find all the Canary resources in one place.
If you provide liquidity in $CNR paired pools on either Pangolin or TraderJoe or stake $CNR on NewCanary you will automatically be eligible for an upcoming Airdrop! (Details announced soon)
The launch date for NewCanary is set for 2/6/2022 so be ready and be sure to keep up to date with the latest information.
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