Play Crabada: Community Donation Fund

@Best_coder_NA and other Play Crabada Ambassadors have banded together to provide an entry into the @playcrabada universe at ZERO cost.
The goal of the community fund is to help grow the @PlayCrabada ecosystem by welcoming new players into the game, and allowing existing community members to give back to the cause.
$TUS Donations will be used to purchase “floor crabs” and these crabs will be distributed to NEW players, the initial goal is to distribute between 2 and 3 crabs per week.
Interested in Receiving a FREE crab? Check The Qualifications in The Tweet Below
@Best_coder_NA has personally pledged 3000 $TUS per week in donations.
A @gnosisSafe multi-sig wallet has been set up that requires 3 of 6 signatures.
The Ambassadors with signing ability include:
@Best_coder_NA, @BigDingus_72, @0xShinigummy, @TradingAloha, @KevCryptoHODLer, and @BanderBinkhlaif
To donate, you may send $TUS to 0x75cB857f592012bb6cAfb7c76Ec46F08EfdB2e1F
50,000 $TUS has already been pledged to the community fund and 3 crabs are set to be purchased for immediate distribution!
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