RocoFinance x Rise Online AMA#2 — Technical Deep Dive with Mehmet Kurtoğlu (Recap)
RocoFinance x Rise Online AMA#2 — Technical Deep Dive with Mehmet Kurtoğlu (Recap)

On 10/15/2021 at 11:00 a.m. (PST), An AMA session was held on Avalaunch with special guest Mehmet Kurtoğlu, Co-Founder and Lead Developer of RocoFinance. Below we present to you an excerpt from AMA with questions and answers.
Dave Donnenfeld| Avalaunch
Hello and welcome everyone to Part 2 of our AMA with Mehmet Kurtoğlu from Roco Finance.
We are lucky to have him today as we will perform something of a technical deep dive.
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
Hello everyone.
Dave Donnenfeld| Avalaunch
So let’s just get started and continue to educate people on the world of Rise Online and of course RocoFinance
For starters, please give us a bit of background on yourself. What did your career and education look like before crypto, and how did you end up focusing on blockchain technology?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
I have been in the game industry for about 10 years. We have been developing our game called Rise online for about five years. On October 29, the closed beta version of our game will be released. When we first started our game, we did not think that it would be blockchain-based, but we were working on an digital currency to be used in our payment systems for our game. We have planned the blockchain integration for Rise Online for the last 1 year. Although our developments continue and we have reached the testing phase of our products, we think that Blockchain will be a gateway to Global game players, so we devote most of our strength to blockchain developments for now.
Dave Donnenfeld| Avalaunch
At what point did you realize that Rise Online’s future was best served as a crypto-based game? Was this always the plan or did it evolve over time?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
We examined the games that are known worldwide such as PubG, League of Legends. In these games, we see that mostly users buy cosmetics item. Our game was very diverse in this respect and we thought that cosmetics revenue should be a top priority. We were already developing a payment systems. We combined the cosmetic items to be used in the game with the popular NFT technology today. Thus, we have enabled the use of crypto assets in our payment systems.
Dave Donnenfeld| Avalaunch
The payment system that enables crypto apps is going to pop. Very impressive
As a developer, what have been the biggest challenges for you in developing games for the blockchain relative to traditional game development?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
The main challenge for us was to make a difference. Because when we examined the contracts of many projects, we saw a lot of similarities, so we have developed brand new contracts that belong entirely to us. This was a process that increased our time cost. But innovation makes a difference and makes you rare. It takes hard work to be rare.
Dave Donnenfeld| Avalaunch
It sure does. What does the development team look like? How many people work to make Rise Online a reality?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
Our game developer staff is approximately 50 people while our number of blockchain developers is 10.
Dave Donnenfeld| Avalaunch
RocoFinane is not just a community platform, but also offers tools for developers. What are these resources and why are they important?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
ROCO is a decentralized GAMEFI platform which provides blockchain services to game developers, content creators and player communities through the blockchain network. Here are some benefit for developers….
R&D costs of partner companies decrease as they use Roco Finance’s products.
With the purchases made in our NFT Market, we ensure that all transactions are carried out in a transparent and secure manner. Thus, we minimize charge-back and fraud transactions.
Genuine ownership will bring more loyalty to gamings. We manage the IDO process of game developers with Roco Starter.
We support them at every stage of their crowdfunding process. Game developers can make initial asset offering through our NFT Market before even at pre-launch or post-launch of the games.
Dave Donnenfeld| Avalaunch
Your experience both developmentally and what you’re learning in crypto is going to be a huge value add. Props for this
How quickly do you expect these tools to be adopted? What are your metrics for success?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
Our products are;
NFT Market
Staking & Farming pools
Roco Starter (Launchpad)
Mobile Wallet
Payment Gateway Applications ( Software development kits (SDKs), APIs, game add-ons)….
The development of our Stake and Farm pools has been completed and final tests are being carried out. Our development for the Roco starter (GameFi launchpad) has been completed. We will release the beta version of our NFT market in about 1 month. With the release of our NFT marketplace, we will start mobile wallet development.
Dave Donnenfeld| Avalaunch
It’s going to be very exciting to see you roll out. Lots of activity not long after launch.
What is your approach to security? For a game, what are your biggest concerns related to vulnerabilities?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
For an MMORPG game, it’s so common to see DDOS attacks to servers, as they are vulnerable when they are overburdened by players. Thus, we have teammates who only work for security of the servers, and we care about the power of our servers. We have also invested in hardware for cyber security.
For Roco Finance part, we care more about the token contracts and safety, that’s why we’ll be collaborating with many audit companies to cover our investors when the token’s deployed.
Dave Donnenfeld| Avalaunch
On that note — What type of audits have been performed? Has it been difficult finding resources to work in parallel to your development to make sure it’s secure?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
For Rise Online, we have Ddos and firewall devices to protect our servers and the game.
We secure from cyber attacks on our own with our teammates working only for security.
About cheat security of the game, we use Anti-Cheat of Epic Games.
Stress tests were done with virtual machines 500 in Google Cloud, 500 in Azur.
We are improving our security checks with player tests.
For $Roco token, no audits have been performed by audit companies yet, as we have not deployed our token contracts. But when it’s been deployed, more than one audits will be progressed as I already said.
Dave Donnenfeld| Avalaunch
Understood. Changing gears — What has developing on Avalanche been like for you and why did you decide to build here?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
Avalanche (AVAX) is a blockchain ecosystem that was designed to function as a secure, globally distributed, decentralized network.
Avalanche was built to solve multiple issues found in most blockchain networks today. The platform combats centralization by providing a viable alternative to networks like Ethereum. It also builds upon some of the shortcomings of that network with more programmability, features, and functionalities. Avalanche is designed to be scalable.
Specifically, the blockchain has can process 6,500 transactions per second. These transactions feature sub-second finality as well. In terms of operating costs, the Gas fees on Avalanche are much more affordable than Ethereum.
Avalanche is a project that we follow data from the very beginning. We have a strong community in our country and we get along well with the Avax community. Another factor, of course, is that the Avalanche’s founder is Turkish.
Dave Donnenfeld| Avalaunch
Good to see that from the lead developer. Final question Mehmet before we move on to the treacherous waters of Twitter questions…
What part of the Roko ecosystem are you particularly excited about? What has the most potential?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
Similar products in many games are also available in our project. But the part that excites me will be integrating artificial intelligence (GPT3) into our NFTs. We will create a real metaverse. An NFT world that can think and decide.
Twitter Questions
@elif611_ We hear about a lot of projects that combine games with blockchain. Is there a project that
@RiseOnlineWorld sees as a rival? What are the most important features that distinguish you from other projects?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
When we first started developing Roco Finance and NFT structure in our mind, we thought that Axie Infinity would be the main competitive of Roco Finance, and other GameFi projects of course. But when we examine carefully, Roco Finance has no competitive to any other project, because it’s distinctive in terms of token utilities.
We are creating a gaming ecosystem for everyone. Players can play to earn, and investors can stake to earn (especially from NFT marketplace fees, by only staking the token).
Enjin would be a good rival to Roco Finance as we also help blockchain integrations into the platforms and have NFT marketplace for them, but for the big picture, $Roco token has much more to be interested on, as an ecosystem token.
@RJM_500 Is there an official ‘rewards program’ at Roco Finance? How can we be rewarded with a referral program or by inviting friends to play on the platform (Rise Online World) for example?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
No actually. as you can assume, we care about the emission of the token so much that we do not have an airdrop program as well.
But interesting thing is that, there will be clan wars in Rise Online game. Everyone will be able to create their own clan and fight with other clans with their teammates.
We care about e-sport industry and we’ll definitely be looking for partnerships, tournaments from this area.
About tournaments, of course, there will be massive prizes to winner clans.
@AnuMajumdeR7 As You plan to Provide services to Partner Gaming Companies as well, Currently, have You partnered with any Gaming Partners? & Most Important, Why do these Companies need your Services? Please explain by giving any simple Example?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
Game development is a very costly and difficult . Blockchain technology, on the other hand, requires a separate expertise. For this reason, our aim is to shorten the R&D processes and facilitate their adaptation to this new world by providing services to game development companies on blockchain. We have signed agreements with about six companies. Announcements will be made soon.
@blackrose11221 Where can we access your game? is it available in the form of an application? Or is it still on a website? and what reward do you give us if we play your game continuously? is there any option in the game like mining or i have to go on an adventure to earn money,coins or NFT?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
You can check our websites, / (you can choose language as well) ..
On 29th of October, Rise Online’s closed beta version will be launched, and you can register if you want to play.
It’s actually a desktop game, you should download to play.
You know that MMORPG games contain character development as a main task, so you should go into dungeons, kill dragons and drop items to develop your character, and increase your level.
So when you kill a dragon, there’ll be a possibility that an item drops from it and you can wear, use, and sell at NFT marketplace if you want. Also, $Roco token will also be among these items.
But unfortunately, there’ll be no mining method in Rise Online for this period as it would create a massive emission.
@Krishstyle1 How accessible is you to players that are interested in cryptocurrencies but aren’t very familiar with them?What strategies do you have in mind to entice these kind of users?Do you have any plans to educate them while they’re playing?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
Yes, actually it was the main problem when we first announced that Rise Online would have blockchain utilities in the game. We have supportive community with many players, and they were afraid of that if Rise Online would be a pay to win game, which is impossible as it’s play to earn.
Interviews with Rise Online and Roco Finance developers, collaborating with influencer players will be the first move. And then, as technical, we are creating small guides for blockchain in Rise Online, and developing simple interfaces for everyone.
It’ll be more massive surprise from players to see that they can play, have fun and also can make money from the game.
As we already stated before, and always, Roco Finance will develop and have partnership with more and more games in near future, these games will be for everyone.
Telegram Questions
Will you have a mobile app that always makes mobile apps easy?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
Mobile app will not be made for Rise Online, but all of the games we will develop in near future will have mobile applications.
How can i start to play Rise Online? Can i start this game with free?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
You can download our launcher for play. Our close beta vers will be released on Oct 29 . Yes it is free to play
Do you have a buyback and burning features to increase attraction for investors and any incentivization reward for long term holders?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
Roco Finance will organize a buyback program. Buyback amount is 10% of annual revenue
Roco token holders can stake their own tokens and earn passive income.
10% of the Roco Token revenue from monthly membership fees and Rise cash sales will be
distributed to the stakers. We will apply the same reward distribution rate for all of our games
that we will develop in the future.
How Do you planning to promote your project in different countries, wherein English is not spoken well? Do you have a local communities for them to better understand your project?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
Thank you for your question. For our seed phase, since the beginning, besides big names like Avalaunch, Ava Labs, Huobi Capital and Alameda Research, we also cared about our influencers and KOLs, leading to Asia, Africa, Europe and US communities.
We have investors with great communities worldwide, and as we have collaborated with them, investors and players around the world will see us much more in upcoming days.
The NFT space is a challenging market that is constantly changing and evolving. So, with which strategy do you, as ROCO, plan to ensure permanence in this sector? What moves will you make in terms of marketing?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
We are coming with a revolutionary project in NFT. By combining artificial intelligence with NFT, we will develop learning NFTs. This will be great for both the gaming market and blockchain technology.
Dave Donnenfeld| Avalaunch
Thank you. Mehmet you’ve been a great guest
And we appreciate you coming out.
Any final words for our community?
Mehmet Kurtoğlu| RocoFinance
Set your clans and let the war begin 🙂
Thank you all

About Avalaunch
Avalaunch is a launchpad powered by the Avalanche platform, allowing new and innovative projects to seamlessly prepare for launch with an emphasis on fair and broad distribution. With its values deeply rooted in the early Avalanche community, we are able to offer projects confident, informed users who are aligned with the long-term goals of the rapidly expanding application ecosystem.
Leveraging Avalanche’s scalable, high-throughput, and low-latency platform, Avalaunch is built by users, for teams, to help grow strong communities.
RocoFinance x Rise Online AMA#2 — Technical Deep Dive with Mehmet Kurtoğlu (Recap) was originally published in Avalaunch on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.