SHRAPNEL STX2 — March 20–23
SHRAPNEL STX2 — March 20–23

- March 20–23: 10am — 6pm PST
Before you continue, please make sure you’ve read the SHRAPNEL STX FAQ which explains our Early Access structure.
As a reminder, the STX naming system is designed to help users easily recognize the scale of updates and new features. Bigger updates are indicated by a change in the whole number (for example, moving from STX1 to STX2, then to STX3). In contrast, minor updates are reflected in the decimal number changes (such as STX1.1, STX1.2, and so on).

On March 20th, the Shrapnel Marketplace will debut exclusive Shrapnel Official weapon skins. A total of 20 weapon skins will be available for purchase:
- 10 marketplace-exclusive weapon skins across 3 distinct sets, including our very first collection of legendary skins — the “NISHIKIGOI” set. These skins cannot be crafted through gameplay (more information about skin crafting is TBA).
- 10 skins spread over 4 different sets that players have the option to either craft or buy.
- The 20 skins will be available for purchase for a limited time only and will be replaced by new sets of skins in the near future.
- Players will be able to equip their skins in-game starting STX2.
Additionally, you might spot an item listed as “Wildcard” for sale on the Marketplace. Stay tuned, as we’ll be unveiling more details about this intriguing item soon.
Visit on March 20th!
We will be gradually implementing changes to the structure of the Leaderboard competition. For STX2, we will be doing daily resets to the Sigma Extraction Leaderboard. More changes to follow in the future.

Sigma Extraction Leaderboard
STX2 Total Prize Pool: 298,971 SHRAP
STX2 Daily Prize Pool: 74,732 SHRAP/day (4 days)
Daily Prize Pool Breakdown per user:
- 1st: 2941
- 2nd: 1471
- 3rd: 735
- 4th-10th (each): 551
- 11th-50th (each): 265
- 51st-100th (each): 147
- 101st-500th (each): 74
- 501st-1000th (each): 37
Visit to see where you rank on the leaderboards.
Winners will receive SHRAP in their Shrapnel accounts within 10 business days after we verify and finalize the Leaderboard. Terms and Conditions apply and can be viewed on the Sigma Extraction Leaderboards page.
NOTE: We are committed to maintaining a fair and enjoyable environment for all players. Any players found cheating are in direct violation of our terms of service ( as they cause unfair advantages in our STX leaderboard competition. These players will be removed from the current STX leaderboard and considered for a permanent ban. SHRAPNEL has a zero tolerance policy on cheating and we’ve banned a number of users already.
Complete four STX2 missions to claim an SMG weapon skin for each:
- Get 5 kills
- Get 10 kills
- Extract 200 Sigma
- Extract 400 Sigma
- Skins will be airdropped within 10 business days after the event concludes
- Skins are NFTs and will be tradable (skin trading functionality coming very soon)
- Players can equip their skins in-game as early as STX2
- Name: “Yomi”
- Player count: Max number is 12 but sessions will be able to launch with fewer based on player counts and time.
- Initially, the map will contain one high-fidelity section — “The beautiful corner”, while the rest of the map will be polished throughout Early Access.
- A grey box environment allows the team to integrate changes and feedback more effectively.
- [MAP UPDATES] Some of the areas that have been updated include the restaurant by the train station, the train station, the night club, and more.
- Players are able to equip their weapon skins in-game!
- Solos (i.e. no team play)
- Sigma Wave
- Pistol: “HGS1 Leo”
- Assault Rifle: “MR84 Special”
- Shotgun: “CSG5 Doorbreaker”
- [NEW] SMG: “Type 50 SMG” — A compact coilgun for close personal defense, quiet fire

- Can be equipped on all four weapons
- AS-1 AccuImpact (Holographic, Projectile Impact Detector) — Legendary — comes with hit markers/feedback
- RD-9 Sure Count (Ammo Counter) — Rare — comes with ammo counter
- [NEW] Suppressor: a muzzle attachment that significantly reduces the noise generated when firing. Can be found as loot for each of the weapons currently in the game. (Note: does not impact recoil)

- Sigma Grenade
- Medipen
- Aniki Level 10
- Operator Unique Trait: Hearty (more likely to see health-related perks as part of Operator progression)
- Perks:
Careful Application (2/2): Healing items restore more health
Acquisition Procedure (2/3): Pick up Sigma more quickly
Sigma Restoration (1/ 2): Heal slightly when collecting Sigma from the environment
- No Persistent Inventory in STX2
- Persistent Inventory means that players can keep successfully extracted loot such as gear (e.g. attachments, weapons) and build out their future loadouts (i.e. gear gained in one session can carry over to the next one).
- For STX1, every player will start with the same loadout and then search the Sacrifice Zone for additional weapons, attachments, and ammo to help them survive, collect Sigma, and extract to climb the leaderboard.
- In the future, players will build their own loadouts of the gear they’ve accumulated in their inventory.
- Skins for the AR won’t display until switching to a different weapon skin tab.
- Quickly equipping skins may result in AR skins from missions not always being applied to the MR84.
- A few players may experience being unexpectedly returned to the lobby after attempting to deploy their first match; this issue occurs sporadically/inconsistently.
- There’s a minor delay or pause following the action of mantling.
- Certain areas are excessively dark, hindering visibility.
- Aniki’s Sigma healing perk does not function consistently.
- Canceling matchmaking after changing weapon skins leads to “Cancel” becoming stuck/frozen on the deploy button.
Thank You to all who participated in past STX events!
We are just getting started and are excited to continue building in public and shaping the future of SHRAPNEL with the community. We’re committed to improving the game, and these early access events help us do just that.