The Choice is Yours…
Happy Friday everyone. Hope you are all safe and well.

I could write out some more updates for you, but I'm taking a different approach this week. Some things are more important right now and I don't feel the need to overload you with information when I'm sure you've been plenty overwhelmed in the last 48 hours.
Our main update is that the website is still in development, we thought we could have it out sooner but we had some new additions that threw a wrench in getting it published. Sooooooooon my frens.
Other than that, everything is going to plan and we are sitting very well in anticipation of us revealing our launch date. Its coming.
I couldn't leave you empty handed though, I know better than that. Below is a GIF of every sector that will be featured in our Phase 1 launch. Some of them have been teased on Twitter already, but now you get to see them all. Hope you love them as much as we do. Let us know your favorite one in Discord or on Twitter!
That's all we have this week my frens. Take it easy and enjoy your weekend. We will be busy building. In the meantime, follow us on our socials to stay in the loop.
Peace & Love
The Sectors
Below we have the “Amenities” sector.
Think of it like this… We picked up Las Vegas and dropped it right here on our ship. Nothing but wholesome good ole fashioned family fun. Beautiful innit?

Below we have the “Cyberspace” sector.
This entire place is built from 1s & 0s. If you find yourself wanting to live inside the mind of a Silicon Valley CEO who claims to be building “The Metaverse”, welcome home.

Below we have the “Degenerated” sector.
This sector is a perpetual party, its inhabitants know no sadness. In this sector, anything goes and degeneracy is encouraged. Sounds fun to us.

Below we have the “Enlightened” sector.
There is something “off” about the air in this place. Its become a candlelit haven for the clinically insane. If you strive to be a cult leader, this is a safe space.

Below we have the “Flight Deck” sector.
This sector houses much of the tech that allows the ship to operate. Although inhabitants here have some added responsibility, they also get to live in what we imagine Elon Musk’s Starship will look like. *Space suits sold separately*

Below we have the “Office Space” sector.
Here we have what looks like a 2000s era paper supply company. If you love the security of a 9–5 job, this is the place for you. Bringing new meaning to the term “wage cage”.

Below we have the “Restricted” sector.
Some sort of spore outbreak has caused plant and fungal growth to engulf the entire sector. Now the inhabitants live inside a petri dish, this ought to end well.

Below we have the “Underbelly” sector.
This sector feels like you are deep in a tunnel system that is seldom ventured into. The lack of maintenance has left the place rusted and broken down. The perfect place to to stay if you like to go unbothered.

Below is the “Upper Deck” sector.
This sector is designed like your favorite sci-fi movie. Everything looks clean, bright and optimistic. Life as a dystopian elite doesn't look so bad does it?