Tip Blue IFO is Live Now (and a couple more things you’ll want to know about)
Avaware’s second IFO is now live. Distributing $BLUE. The native token of Tip Blue. Avaware’s tip bot, built for Avalanche projects.
Tip Blue IFO
In this post
If you want to know about Tip Blue, and what’s to come. Check out our Introducing Tip Blue article.
How to get involved in the IFO

They’ve made the process simple. Here’s what you’ll need.
- Get yourself some of $AVE. Avaware’s native token. Use as much as you like. Avaware’s circulating supply is the limit. You get Avaware AVE on Pangolin.
- Head over to Launchpad on Avaware.network. All IFOs are start here. You’ll see the Cabbage Cash IFO recently finished. The Tip Blue one is now active.
- Stake your Avaware. Rewards are issued every block. You can enter, and withdraw, as and when you please.

More coming from Avaware
In Avaware’s recent article, they covered a few updates that’ve gone on. Be sure to check out the full article here.
A summary:
Avaware updates
- Multiple UI upgrades. The goal: to become world-class. Intuitive user interface changes.
- Code refactors. Keeping inline with becoming world-class, and improving UI, speed, nimbleness.
- Contracts. Behind the scenes, but very powerful. They’ve built a some new contracts that will help to better manage farms, IFOs, and more. Keeping the process competitive, and adaptive.
Tip Blue updates
Clearly, there’s the IFO that’s now active. But, here’s some things you might not already know:
- Social media support. They’re launching with Discord support. Then Twitter, and later Reddit support will be integrated.
- Tokens they’ll launch with. All of your favorite Avalanche tokens. And any that want to be integrated are welcome. Be sure to pester your favorite project if they’re not yet integrated.
- Screenshots galore. There are a load on the Avaware article. Check it out if you’re interested to see more.
Cabbage Cash updates
(My personal favourite.) Cabbage Cash is getting a complete rework. An incredibly low market cap project at the moment. With updates to level the playing field among “degen yield farms” in the space.
- Updated UI. Take a look, it looks really special. Link above.
- Farms about to cranked all the way up. The cabbages have been idle growing for a little. Seems the team have brought in some better fertiziliers, because the APRs are about to go through the roof.
Avalanche Today updates
As always, we’re pushing the best content. Are we the number #1 Avalanche news source? We think so.
- New writers. Welcome both benji and padyer. They’ll be joining the content team. Pushing more pieces, and upping the turnover for you all.
- Paid promotions. We’re formally setting our content service prices; covering press releases, original content, and more.
EnEfTea updates
Kettle’s boiling on this one guys. Not much shared on this just yet. Just brewing some Ape juice. You’ll know when it’s ready.
- Not sure what EnEfTea is? Avaware’s NFT marketplace.
We can’t tell you any more. There’re more details in the article.