Starting STX3, SHRAPNEL is introducing weapon skin crafting! A variety of weapon skins, known as “Craftable skins,” can be obtained by trading in a specific set of weapon skin fragments to craft the desired skin. These fragments can be acquired during gameplay sessions or purchased from other players on the marketplace. Each craftable skin requires three unique fragments — labeled as A, B, and C — corresponding to that skin and weapon type.
Players can also use a Wildcard Weapon Skin Fragment in place of any one missing Weapon Skin Fragment to complete the crafting of a Weapons Skin. Wildcards can be either extracted from game or purchased in the Marketplace.
We will be expanding the system by introducing new Weapon Skin Fragments and retiring older ones, hence these craftable skins are available for a limited period of time.

Each set of Weapon Skin Fragments is unique to the Weapon Skin they are used to craft and that skin only. Crafting a skin is as easy as combining the set of fragments, in-game to craft the skin which will burn that set of fragments.
Skin fragments can be found in game via crates and other lootable objects or purchased from other players on the marketplace.

Fragments will carry the rarity of the underlying skin, i.e. if the craftable skin is epic, the fragment would also be epic. The rearer the skin, the more difficult it would be to find these skin-specific fragments and would be usually dropped later into the gameplay sessions via supply drop and/or mid-session repopulation.
The rarity of each fragment can be easily identified by the color indicator.
In addition to skin-specific fragments, we also have Wildcard Fragments, which can be used to complete any skin set that is missing one fragment regardless of rarity. Wildcards can be found in game or purchased in the Marketplace. Wildcards can not be sold by players.

The Secure Pouch ensures you obtain your skin fragments and wildcards, even if you fail to extract or get killed. It can store up to three items at a time, so be sure to place your fragments and wildcards inside it while playing.
If you successfully extract, you will obtain all fragments and wildcards (both from your Backpack and Secure Pouch).

Based on skin rarity:
- Common — 5 SHRAP
- Rare — 10 SHRAP
- Epic — 20 SHRAP
- Legendary — 50 SHRAP
- Hazard Pay Shotgun Skin (Rare)
- Ghost Tesseract Pistol Skin (Rare)
- Warden of the Fall Pistol (Common)
- Warden of the Fall AR (Common)
- Warden of the Fall Shotgun (Common)
- Warden of the Fall SMG (Common)
- Harvest Ember Pistol (Rare)
- Harvest Ember AR (Rare)
- Harvest Ember Shotgun (Rare)
- Chartreuse Viper SMG (Rare)
- Cerulean Digital Pistol (Rare)
- Cerulean Digital AR (Rare)
- Cerulean Digital Shotgun (Rare)
- Muted Serpent Pistol (Rare)
- Muted Serpent AR (Rare)
- Muted Serpent Shotgun (Rare)
- Rubicon Pistol (Rare)
- Rubicon AR (Rare)
- Rubicon Shotgun (Rare)
- Nighthawks Watch Pistol (Epic)
- Nighthawks Watch AR (Epic)
- Nighthawks Watch Shotgun (Epic)
Collect, Survive, Extract… and Craft! ????
We are excited to launch V1 of the Marketplace on May 23, which enables users to buy and sell weapon skins and weapon skin fragments. More updates to come, but in the meantime, please feel free to share feedback and suggestions in our Discord!

- To engage with the Marketplace, you must have a valid player account and be signed in.
- Player listings expire after 3 days. You can see your active listings by viewing My Listings in your inventory which will include the time remaining for each listing.
- You can sort search results and the ‘see all’ product grid view by (Newest Listing, Oldest Listing, Highest Price, Lowest Price).
- You can filter search results and the ‘see all’ product grid view by (Weapon Skins, Skin Fragments, Item Rarity).
- You can search for items on the Marketplace using item name, type or any normal free-form search (blue skull, yellow stripes etc).
- You can see the rarity of items that have rarity by observing the color bar and subtle gradient on the left side of any image.
- You can see the supply of an item by viewing the Item Details for any item that has a limited supply.
- You can view the transaction and ownership history of an item.
- No listing fee
- 5% Transaction fee