Avalanche Explorer: Expanding Subnet Support
Multiple feature releases for the Avalanche Explorer.

The Ava Labs team is thrilled to announce multiple feature releases for the Avalanche Explorer. As new Avalanche subnets continue to launch, it’s important that users and builders are supported with quality tools and data to help grow their ecosystem, and showcase their products. Subnet builders are offered certain guarantees of technical support and Web3-ready tools when they develop with Avalanche, described as the “Subnet Builder’s Bill of Rights”. Among these support offerings is an explorer, which plays a key role in informing users in real time about what is happening on the chain.
As part of the subnet deployment experience, Avalanche helps ensure that subnets have an accurate and featureful explorer readily available out of the box. This is so that the subnet team can focus on building their unique products, knowing ancillary tools such as explorers are baked into the subnet offering. The Ava Labs team can currently stand up mainnet or testnet EVM explorers for an Avalanche subnet within 72 hours.
Some of the newly released features include:
- New Home Page and Navigation
- New Subnet Stats
- Validator Information
- Smart Contract Verification and Publishing
New Home Page and Navigation
A new homepage provides a better user experience when navigating Avalanche’s subnets and primary network. A universal search bar enables users to quickly search across the primary network and any supported subnets. Users can now easily navigate between and search for their favorite subnets on both mainnet and testnet. Users can view high level subnet information or deep dive into their preferred subnet for even more data.

New Avalanche Stats
A new and improved statistics page now enables the easy exploration of network stats across not only the c-chain but also Avalanche subnets. Users can view individual subnet performance and seamlessly compare metrics. Users are provided flexibility and increased granularity when diving into Avalanche operations. While we continue to enhance our feature set, Avalanche’s first stats page will continue to be supported here.

Validator Information
Users can now view information on their Avalanche validators as they work to support the primary network and subnets. While we continue to iterate, users can see historical validations and top level information on their staking activity. Further information on Avalanche reward distribution and validator health can be found by searching here.
Smart Contract Verification and Publishing
Contract deployers can now submit their contract source code to the Avalanche Explorer to be. Contract source code is compiled using Sourcify and published on the contract’s address page for that specific subnet. This helps contract deployers build trust by promoting transparency with users, giving individuals the opportunity to audit and verify how the contract works.
The Avalanche Explorer continues to improve. As subnet usage grows, Avalanche aims to support builders with a suite of tools and data to make deployments and UX as smooth as possible. If you’re building a subnet and would like an explorer, please reach out in our chat here.
About Ava Labs
Ava Labs makes it simple to launch decentralized applications on Avalanche, the fastest smart contracts platform in the blockchain industry. We are empowering people to easily and freely digitize all the world’s assets on one open, programmable blockchain platform.
Ava Labs was founded by Cornell computer scientists who brought on talent from Wall Street to execute their vision. The company has received funding from Andreessen Horowitz, Initialized Capital, and Polychain Capital, with angel investments from Balaji Srinivasan and Naval Ravikant.
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About Avalanche
Avalanche is the fastest smart contracts platform in the blockchain industry, as measured by time-to-finality. Avalanche is blazingly fast, low cost, and eco-friendly. Any smart contract-enabled application can outperform its competition by deploying on Avalanche. Don’t believe it? Try an app on Avalanche today. https://www.avax.network/
Provided for informational purposes only, without representation, warranty or guarantee of any kind. None of this is as an endorsement by the Avalanche Foundation Limited, Ava Labs, Inc. or any of their respective subsidiaries or affiliates, nor is any of this investment or financial advice. Please review this Notice and conduct your own research to properly evaluate the risks and benefits of any project.
Avalanche Explorer: Expanding Subnet Support was originally published in Avalanche on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.