Avalanche Rush Program Brings $UST to Avalanche
Avalanche native DEX Pangolin to join the program as part of native dApp ecosystem growth allocation.

Pangolin has officially joined another Avalanche Rush incentive program focused on ecosystem growth. Pangolin, a native decentralized exchange on Avalanche, will soon have access to $2M in AVAX rewards.
Working closely together, Avalanche, Pangolin, Terra Labs and Axelar are bringing TerraUSD ($UST), the decentralized and algorithmic stablecoin of the Terra blockchain, to Avalanche. UST is the most abundant and widely used algorithmic stablecoin of any blockchain. This initiative will democratize stablecoins on Avalanche, as well as increase stablecoin usage and volume across the Avalanche network.
To incentivize adoption, the $2M in $AVAX rewards will be combined with two additional rewards, $LUNA & $PNG, to be distributed in a novel three token rewards Super Farm on Pangolin. Pangolin Super Farms are an innovation in how liquidity mining will take place in the future. These Rush rewards will be available on the UST-AVAX and UST-USDC Super Farms.
“We are ecstatic to take part in the Avalanche Rush program again. Pangolin strives to have the best DEX experience through deep liquidity, easy swaps, advanced tooling, and smooth onboarding. With the support of Avalanche Rush, Pangolin will continue to push the bar in building DEX products that support ecosystem growth and delivering value to users within the Avalanche ecosystem using innovative new products like the recently launched Super Farms,” said Justin Trolip, Pangolin Core Team.
The Avalanche Foundation will also be working with other native projects as it scales up entrants to the program. New and existing native applications on Avalanche are encouraged to apply. More information on eligibility will be coming soon. The specific date for Pangolin’s Avalanche Rush deployment will be in Q1 2022.
For more information on Pangolin, please visit its Website and Twitter. To apply for the Avalanche native DApp program as part of Avalanche Rush, visit this link.
About Pangolin
Pangolin Exchange is a top decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Avalanche Network that provides the best DEX experience through deep liquidity, easy swaps, advanced tooling, and smooth onboarding. Pangolin brings you the best trading opportunities to find and maximize your yield.
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Avalanche is the fastest smart contracts platform in the blockchain industry, as measured by time-to-finality, and has the most validators securing its activity of any proof-of-stake protocol. Avalanche is blazingly fast, low cost, and green. Any smart contract-enabled application can outperform its competition by deploying on Avalanche. Don’t believe it? Try Avalanche today.
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About Avalanche Rush
Avalanche Rush, the largest DeFi incentive program in history, brings more digital assets and applications to the rapidly growing DeFi ecosystem on Avalanche. The program has launched with blue-chip DeFi applications like Aave, Curve, Sushi, and Stake DAO, and cornerstone applications native to Avalanche like Pangolin, BENQi, and Avalaunch.
Avalanche Rush Program Brings $UST to Avalanche was originally published in Avalanche on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.