Pangolin Enters Avalanche Rush Program with $2M Allocation
Avalanche native DEX to join the program as part of native app allocation

The Avalanche Foundation has announced that Pangolin will join the recently launched Avalanche Rush incentive program. Pangolin, a native decentralized exchange, will soon have access to $2M in AVAX rewards for a single-sided pool of PNG.
Pangolin recently made it easier for new DeFi users to purchase AVAX and get involved with trading on the platform by integrating Wyre. Wyre allows Pangolin users to connect their credit cards and Apple Pay to buy AVAX tokens.
“We are ecstatic to take part in the Avalanche Rush program. Pangolin strives to have the best DEX experience through deep liquidity, easy swaps, advanced tooling, and smooth onboarding. With the support of Avalanche Rush, Pangolin will continue to push the bar in building a premier DEX platform for the Avalanche ecosystem,” said Leo Chen, Pangolin Core Team.
“The Avalanche foundation is committed to scaling native Avalanche applications for more users to experience DeFi on fast and easy to use platforms,” said Emin Gün Sirer, Director at the Avalanche Foundation. “Pangolin has established itself as a strong member of the Avalanche ecosystem by offering fast settlement times, low fees, and a diverse set of trading opportunities.”
Avalanche Foundation will also be working with other native projects as it scales up entrants to the program. New and existing native applications on Avalanche are encouraged to apply. More information on eligibility will be coming soon.
The specific date for Pangolin’s Avalanche Rush deployment will be coming soon. For more information on Pangolin, please visit its Website and Twitter. To apply for the Avalanche native DApp program as part of Avalanche Rush, visit this link.
About Avalanche
Avalanche is the fastest smart contracts platform in the blockchain industry, as measured by time-to-finality, and has the most validators securing its activity of any proof-of-stake protocol. Avalanche is blazingly fast, low cost, and green. Any smart contract-enabled application can outperform its competition by deploying on Avalanche. Don’t believe it? Try Avalanche today.
About Avalanche Rush
Avalanche Rush is an incentive mining grant and airdrop program with up to $180M in AVAX tokens from the Avalanche Foundation that seeks to deploy decentralized finance applications on the Avalanche platform. The program objective is to empower new and existing DeFi traders with easy-to-use, fast, and cost-effective applications.
Pangolin Enters Avalanche Rush Program with $2M Allocation was originally published in Avalanche on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.