
AvaWar – Play and Earn Fantasy

A continuous battle rages in the world of Esperia and you must defend your faction. The elves of the Blue Faction (Fantom) reside in the woods and countryside of Esperia. Lovers of nature, the Blue Faction lives in harmony with…

This Week in Avalanche, April 19th, 2022

Avalanche Major News Founders of Terra and Avalanche – fireside chat about values alignment AvaLabs and Mastercard talk about DeFi mass adoption Arweave permanent storage available on Avalanche An Avalanche Subnet is being used for IPFS Emin Gun Sirer addresses…

This Week in Avalanche, April 12th, 2022

Avalanche Major News Terra building gaming subnet on Avalanche Avalanche announces strategic collaboration with Terra Luna Foundation buys 100m AVAX to back its UST stablecoin Terra calls on Avalanche community to grow with Terra together Look how far Avalanche has…

Avaxscape P2E Browser Based MMORPG

Avaxscape was created to stoke nostalgia and tug at our heartstrings for the classic old-school browser-based MMO games we grew up with. After witnessing many NFT games with little to no gameplay, Avaxscape founder SaasWiz, felt a more immersive and…

Yield Hunt Chapter 2 is Coming

An old legend tells about a time when Adventurers were seeking treasures called GEM in a distant forest. They thought their story had ended, but a new temple has been discovered. Yield Hunt chapter two takes NFT gaming to the…